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Recent Popular topics

Posted: 10. March 2010 03:13
by eoinzy
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
On the recent topics block, it only shows 9 Popular topics, and they arent really that popular.
Its always the same 9 topics also/ At this stage, they're not recent all!!

Some of these topics only have 1 or 2 replies.

There are other topics with multiple pages that don't show up as popular, when perhaps they should.

The "Recent Topics" part works perfect though and always shows the newest posts, its just the "Recent Popular Topics" seems to be stuck on these same 9 topics! I've increased the number of new topics to 15 so now it looks pretty bad!

Is there any way I can refresh the popular topics so it checks them again and adds in the more recent ones?


Re: Recent Popular topics

Posted: 10. March 2010 07:21
by eoinzy
also, I'm not sure if i should create a new topic for this or not, but...

Have a look here: ...

It says I'm missing some close tags somewhere. I've searched every file I could looking for this but it seems it automatically generated somewhere.
Can someone point me to the file the closed tag should be so I can modify it?


Re: Recent Popular topics

Posted: 10. March 2010 17:06
by Marc
Why are you still using Board3 Portal 1.0.3? Board3 Portal 1.0.5 is already out for a while. :?

Re: Recent Popular topics

Posted: 11. March 2010 02:17
by eoinzy
its relating to incompatibilities with other mods i have, for exampe the SEO mod.