Portal Link absent [SOLVED]

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Portal Link absent [SOLVED]

Post by heap »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3 (3.0.6)
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Initial installation.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I've searched on the forum but the related posts did not help in solving the issue.
Yes, I did refresh the style components (template, themes & imageset) from the phpbb3 ACP.
I Purged the browser cache.
I've tried re-installing the portal. No luck.
Then I've wiped my whole phpbb3 installation, re-installed it from scratch, then the board3 portal. Same results.

Description and Message

Wherever I am on my phpbb3 web pages, I don't see the "Portal" link. Only the "Board index" link is present.

The installation went fine with no errors and the portal page itself is working properly. I double checked all the related files that have been modified when installing and I can't see what I've missed...

My setup is very generic, nothing customized, no other mods than the portal has been installed. Using prosilver template.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Last edited by heap on 1. March 2010 15:34, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by Marc »

Check your includes/functions.php edits. It seems like you have an error in the second edit.

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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by heap »

Thanks for the suggestion but I've verified my functions.php and I don't see any error.

The second edit you are referring to is adding the 'U_PORTAL' line right before the 'U_PRIVATEMSGS' line, which I did. Copied/pasted from the install.xml so I don't think a typo is possible...

Code: Select all

'U_PORTAL'			=> (isset($portal_config['portal_enable']) && $portal_config['portal_enable'] == true) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx") : '',
Any other hint ?

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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by heap »

I've done another fresh re-install, same results. I really wish to use Board3Portal but will have to give up if I can't find a solution to the problem.

My last resort is to ask if anyone could share their modified files so I can compare with mine to see if I've possibly mis-interpreted how to modify them or something ?

The files being .htaccess, viewonline.php, constants.php, functions.php, session.php, overall_header.html, overall_footer.html, stylesheet.css


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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by Huor »

Ahoy, as far as i see the link you want to have there is in the breadcrumbs.html file. If its not displayed then the U_PORTAL entry there is missing. The edit in the overall_header.html is only for the menu but not for the breadcrumbs.html

Code: Select all

		<a href="{U_PORTAL}">{L_PORTAL}</a>&nbsp;&#187;&nbsp;<a href="{U_INDEX}">{L_INDEX}</a><!-- BEGIN navlinks -->&nbsp;&#187;&nbsp;<a href="{navlinks.U_VIEW_FORUM}">{navlinks.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- END navlinks -->
PS: that example is based on subsilver style - so not sure if you can copy it... but it shows how it should look like.
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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by Marc »

Have you tried turning debug_mode on? Just open your config.php and uncomment debug mode.

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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by heap »

Huor wrote:Ahoy, as far as i see the link you want to have there is in the breadcrumbs.html file. If its not displayed then the U_PORTAL entry there is missing. The edit in the overall_header.html is only for the menu but not for the breadcrumbs.html
PS: that example is based on subsilver style - so not sure if you can copy it... but it shows how it should look like.
Like you said, this is for subsilver style. I'm using the prosilver style and in that case I don't think the breadcrumbs.html is related. Thanks anyway.

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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by heap »

Marc wrote:Have you tried turning debug_mode on? Just open your config.php and uncomment debug mode.
I've just tried it and it does not report any errors.
In the footer of my board index I now see:
Time : 0.125s | 12 Queries | GZIP : On | Memory Usage: 3.82 MiB | Explain
Clicking on 'explain' shows me the detail of the queries, but there seem to be nothing wrong.
Is there any other places to check when debug mode is enabled (log files or anything else?)

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Re: Portal Link absent

Post by heap »

Finally found the root of the problem: it was a cache issue...

Even if I did as the instructions ask, i.e.:

- Refresh your Styles: "Administration Control Panel" (ACP) > "Styles" > "Templates" > each > "refresh"
- Clear your cache in the "Administration Control Panel" (ACP) > "General" > "Purge the cache"

the forum was still picking the overall_header from cache memory (any changes I would do to that file would never become visible on the website, so I became suspicious...)

I had to manually delete all files in the phpbb3/cache/ folder so that it finally loaded the modified overall_header from its actual location and then everything worked. The magic Portal link is now there.
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Re: Portal Link absent [SOLVED]

Post by Marc »

Have you deleted the index.html and .htaccess in the cache folder? If yes, reupload those files from a phpBB package that fits your version.

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Re: Portal Link absent [SOLVED]

Post by heap »

Marc wrote:Have you deleted the index.html and .htaccess in the cache folder? If yes, reupload those files from a phpBB package that fits your version.
yeah, I deleted *.* from the cache folder except those 2 files so everything is ok. thanks.

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