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Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 6. February 2010 09:46
by Foxy
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Changed cookie name to: phpbb3_y9y3z as advised on

Description and Message

I am having exactly the same problem as described in the locked topic. I have to login several times in a session, even if I check the boxes for remember me etc etc.

This did not happen until I had my Portal upgraded to 1.0.5

You can login using:
Username: visitor
Password: visitor

Regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 6. February 2010 23:33
by Foxy
I have tried deleteing the board cookies and clearing my browser cache, still makes no difference!! Tonight I logged in, read one new post and tried to return to the Portal page, guess what!!, I had to login again.

Am now receiving reports from my members having exactly the same problem.

Regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 7. February 2010 01:02
by Marc
I logged in via Portal this afternoon and now I am logged out again. In order to see why this happens, I now logged in via Forum. Now, we'll have to wait.

Have you tried purging the sessions in the acp? After that it might work again.

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 7. February 2010 10:58
by Foxy

Thanks for the reply. I have just purged all sessions in the ACP. Will see how it goes during today and report back.

Regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 7. February 2010 13:47
by Foxy
Well, that didn't last very long. Was off for less than an hour, when I went back, had to login again!!!

If it's any help, I can make you a temp admin account so you can have a look around and see what's happening.

regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 7. February 2010 15:43
by Marc
I doubt it has anything to do with the portal. If I login via your board index, I'm logged out after about 1 hour, which is the same amount of the time it takes until I'm logged out when I login via the Portal.

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 7. February 2010 17:47
by Foxy
What would you suggest? It seems too much of a coincidence that none of my members experienced this problem until the Portal was upgraded.

Regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 8. February 2010 19:53
by Foxy

I posted this problem over at and this was the reply from one of their Support Team:
I know what the problem is - I just don't know the solution yet - the sesion cookies are getting set twice so you have 6 cookies instead of 3.I am guessing it is the portal setting another set of cookies.

Would the fix for v1.0.3 work on the latest release?

Regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 8. February 2010 20:09
by Foxy
I have just been looked at the install instructions for the 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 upgrade and noticed that there is an edit for:

Trying to locate this file on my server, I find that I do not have this file.

What I have in my portal/includes folder is:

mini_cal (folder)

I had someone do the upgrade for me, perhaps this file has been overlooked?

Regards, Foxy

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 8. February 2010 20:25
by Marc
There is no edit for portal/includes/sessions.php but rather for includes/session.php. Anyhow, that edit has nothing to do with the actual sessions, it just controls the style.
Foxy wrote:Marc,

I posted this problem over at and this was the reply from one of their Support Team:
I know what the problem is - I just don't know the solution yet - the sesion cookies are getting set twice so you have 6 cookies instead of 3.I am guessing it is the portal setting another set of cookies.

Would the fix for v1.0.3 work on the latest release?

Regards, Foxy
The portal does not set any cookies at all. It just sends the login request to ucp.php, and ucp.php does everything that is connected with the login and the cookies.
Also, there is no difference between logging in on index.php and portal.php on your board. I'm logged out after about an hour. This tells me that this is not a portal issue.

Re: Automatic Login Problem - v1.0.5

Posted: 8. February 2010 20:28
by Foxy
Ok, thanks. I will post your response over at phpBB and see what they say.

Regards, Foxy