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New Functionality - User toggle of sidebars

Posted: 4. February 2010 16:46
by tim
I know this is more of a phpbb question but I trust that you will indulge me.

I have recently installed board3, portalview, switched to acidtech red theme as well as used and in some cases typo fixed / adjusted a few mods from here (WoW recruitment and raid progress). So firstly thanks to everyone whose worked on these and saved me an ongoing and massive headache.


My question relates to a user request that I am trying to puzzle a solution to.
Basically some of my users don't like having sidebars in the forum and some users are running on 1024x768 which causes "pinching" of the board element and the side bars.

My proposed solution is to add ideally an additional Board Preference (in the UCP so settable by each user)
Display Sidebars: Yes / No

I presume then that a simple IF Display Sidebars wrapper around the portal view calls in my themes overall_header and overall_footer will resolve the issue. Or perhaps placing in the portal_header and portal_footer files for keeping like code together.

So the question really is how best to go about this / what am I missing as the closest I can find is discussions about custom profile fields on phpbb which doesn't feel right.

I trust you can help, maybe point out how I am being a clueless noob but I also felt it might be something of interest for a future release of the mod