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How do I

Posted: 6. January 2010 13:38
by anybloodyid
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
All sorts

Description and Message
I'm trying t get this code to work in the welcome block but can't figure out how to.
does anyone have any ideas?

Code: Select all

<a href="">
<img src="" border="0" width="468" height="60" alt="IP" /></a>

Re: How do I

Posted: 6. January 2010 13:55
by archivar
In the Admin Portal area insert custom blocks.

Re: How do I

Posted: 6. January 2010 14:29
by anybloodyid
It's OK I got it to work in the welcome block.

Re: How do I

Posted: 6. January 2010 14:35
by archivar
anybloodyid wrote:in the welcome block.
Yes in the custom blocks.

Re: How do I

Posted: 6. January 2010 21:24
by anybloodyid
Why not in the Welcome block? It's working and all is well.