Couple questions - updated

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Couple questions - updated

Post by Boatski »

Here's my site. (Currently in the works)
One problem fixed.

For every news post they are located within the same "block"

Now my question is - Is it possible to make each news post in its own seperate block?
I quickly photoshopped what I'm looking to achieve.

With each news post being seperated a little.


The news block doesn't seem to be lined up with the nav bar, which I couldn't seem to find where to fix this at.


Also I'm looking at the file /styles/prosilver/template/portal/blocks/news.html
I'm wanting to remove the Forum: Announcements and the bottom text Views, Comments, & Write Comments. I've deleted the lines out of the news.html file, but nothing seemed to change. Is this the correct file to be editing for it?

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