Fresh install advice

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Fresh install advice

Post by simonjcook »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

PHP Version: 4.4.9
MySQL Version: MySQL 5.0.81-log

What have you done before the problem was there?
Looking for advice on the best way forward.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Some test installations to determine software and processes.

Description and Message
I am looking to upgrade to PHPBB3 v3.0.6 with Board3Portal v1.0.4
My existing installation has a number of hand modifications including bugfixes I implemented myself.
It is linked to Raid Ninja 2.0 which again is bugfixed and modified by myself.
What I am looking for is a sustainable process for upgrading in the future so I don't have to resort to hand edits every time an update is released.

The existing installation is PHPBB3 version 3.0.5
The Board3 installation is v1.0.3

My thinking was as follows;
Fresh install of PHPBB3 v3.0.5
Install AutoMOD rc2
Install Board3 Portal v1.0.4
Use Automod rc2 to apply the file changes to PHPBB3 <- This is the point I am up to and this has been successful up to this point.

So what I have now is a fresh install of the forum with portal, empty database and none of my customisations.

What I want to do next is link this installation to my existing database by switching in the live config file.
This works, I've tested it.

The next issue is that the existing database reports it is using board3 portal v1.0.3.
So what do I need to do next?

Looking beyond once the database is reporting the correct version for the portal I will be applying the phpbb3 v3.0.6 update.
From what I can see, the RaidNinja bridge will continue to work once all this is completed so there is no issue there.

Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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Re: Fresh install advice

Post by Marc »

Have you already been running the Board3 Portal Updater? If you didn't, the Portal will still show as 1.0.3. ;)

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Re: Fresh install advice

Post by simonjcook »

Thanks Marc,

Have done so now.

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