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Problem with point in menu

Posted: 22. November 2009 19:26
by Corw
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Not because me the point appears out of the block of the menu, in the 2.

It is possible to estimate in the photos.

Thank you very much for the help.


Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 24. November 2009 00:38
by Mike
This is caused by one of the following reasons:
- you forget to include portal.css into stylesheet.css
- you forget to upload portal.css
- you forget to clear all caches after you doing the first point.

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 29. November 2009 15:06
by JezUK1
What do you mean include portal.css into stylesheet.css?

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 29. November 2009 15:42
by Mike
Read install.xml regarding stylesheet.css
There is written down what to do.

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 29. November 2009 19:30
by JezUK1
But I have done this

pen: styles/prosilver/theme/stylesheet.css
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

@import url("colours.css");
Add after
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.

@import url("portal.css");

I have done everything to the book. I have checked and checked again. But yet I still cant sort it out... Please can you help? My site is at

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 30. November 2009 16:30
by MyLady
I have the same problem after updating style Bl@ck.

Ich habe das selbe Problem nach dem Update von Portal und Style bei dem Style Bl@ck (der mit der vorigen Version die Punkte NICHT zeigt, sondern Pfeile), bei Prosilver dagegen ist alles ok. Es scheint am Style zu liegen - nur weiß ich nicht wo ich suche soll. Portal.css ist hochgeladen und in stylesheet.css eingebunden.

diese Woche durchgeführte Updates: portal 1.0.4, phpbb 3.0.6, gallery 1.0.3, gallery block 1.4.1, styles Bl@ck und Chrimbo (prosilver und subsilver zusammen mit phpBB)

problem solved after clearing cache-folder on ftp directly and purge cache, templates and them again.

nach mehrfachem leeren des Caches und aktualisieren der Templates habe ich den Cache-Ordner auf dem FTP geleert. Nun ist es ok.

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 30. November 2009 19:33
by JezUK1
I have removed the stuff from the ftp and did you what said but still no joy :(

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 1. December 2009 00:12
by JezUK1
I tell a lie it did work.. Thanks for the tip ;)

Re: Problem with point in menu

Posted: 11. January 2010 17:32
by spaceman
The solutions to this problem seemed elementary so I was gutted when they failed.

Then I tried Ctrl-F5 (to force a page refresh) on the portal page and remembered that the browser has a cache too. :roll: Worth remembering before you make a post in this thread :mrgreen: