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[SOLVED] Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 6. November 2009 02:24
by Mustang
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.5

What have you done before the problem was there?
Try to add the portal modules manually by doing:

ACP -> System -> Module management -> Administration Control Panel -> .MODS

Create new module -> Portal

Click Portal

Add each Portal [acp_portal] option

and enable them

Clear the cache, but nothing appears

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Update in v1.0.4

Same problem

I try to uninstall and reinstall the portal:
so I browse install folder, uninstall tab, it said : done : portal uninstall ...
I browse again and no install or update tab, only uninstall again and again

So I browse v1.0.3 install ... only update tab available, I run it, and browse v1.0.4 update again

Description and Message

Who can help me regarding my module problem ?


Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 6. November 2009 02:49
by Wuerzi
Hello Mustang :mrgreen:

Your Live or Testboard? :?

I have nothing idea, but you can test the support tool kit
Fix Left/Right ID's Repairs the tree structure of the forums and modules.

Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 6. November 2009 12:20
by Mustang
Hi Wuerzi

it's on my live board

do you want the same access as you have on the test one to it ?

I will check your link


Edit :
I'm little affraid to use the STK, coz many Mods are installed (also for BBcode) and database have a lot of modifications too, so if I run this mod, what will happen ?

Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 6. November 2009 23:39
by Mustang
Thank you very much Würzi for you support on my board, but still same problem, after reupload of includes acp files

The portal modules had been add manually
They appear in table "module" in database
All the data are ok (if I compare with my demo board who haven't problem)
But they didn't appear in .Mods tab in ACP

Other problem (which could be the origin of all my portal problem)
If I want to uninstall the portal, I run the "install folder", click on "uninstall'" tab, and the page said "ok, portal uninstalled"
After that if I want to reinstall it, I run once again "install folder" .... and could see only "uninstall tab", not "install"
So I can't uninstall or (re)install the portal

My question are :
Why I can't display portal module in .mods tab ?
Why I can't uninstall and reinstall properly the portal ?
Which files I have to edit/delete/replace to have a proper managable portal ?

So if someone have an idea, he will be very welcome


Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 7. November 2009 10:30
by Khamosh-Saya
Same problem with me....

i have manually add Modules but it didnot appear in .Mods

what about SRT?
If i run that. that can be any problem start like mine Database cruppte or forum damage?
is it Risky?
Coz mine Board is too much old like 3 years so there is too much big database users, and posts

Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 7. November 2009 14:12
by Mustang
Once more time the brillant phpbb Master Dr. Ing. Würzi solve the problem

Thank you so so much Würzi

Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 9. November 2009 09:52
by Khamosh-Saya
But Mine Problem didnot solve
i have also try STK
but the problem is still there

Re: Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 10. November 2009 16:18
by Mustang
Don,'t know if your problem is the same as mine, but an entry was missing in the phpbb_acl_options table

Check in your phpmyadmin, if you find the entry "a_portal_manage" in the phpbb_acl_options table

My problem came from this missing entry

Hope you will fix your pb

see you

Re: [SOLVED] Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 11. November 2009 08:21
by Khamosh-Saya
yes i have check it
that is missing
how can i set this???

Re: [SOLVED] Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 11. November 2009 23:35
by Mustang
Check in your phpmyadmin, if the "module_auth" of all the 17 entries for portal modules is "a_portal_manage"

If not: I don't know what you have to do
If yes: Backup you database, and try this
  1. Open your phpbb_acl_options table
  2. Find the last (the biggest) "auth_option_id"
    • For this example, assume that the last "auth_option_id" is 130
  3. Insert a new entry with this datas :
    • auth_option_id: 131===>(the last + 1)
    • auth_option: a_portal_manage
    • is_global: 1
    • is_local: 0
    • founder_only: 0
  4. Execute
  5. Go back to your ACP (with fingers crossed :lol: )
  6. Check if the portal modules are displayed (if they are still remain) or Readd them
Good luck :mrgreen:

Re: [SOLVED] Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 12. November 2009 15:22
by Khamosh-Saya
Thanks Alot Mustang

Its Done
i have Manually add Modules After doing what u said and now mine ACP Configration Woring Properly


Re: [SOLVED] Cannot display Portal module in ACP

Posted: 17. November 2009 10:58
by Mustang
You're welcome ;)