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Pay Pal Block Text

Posted: 30. October 2009 19:37
by seksports
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

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No problem

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Description and Message
Hello everyone, I havent found this question in the archives. I want to change the text inside the paypal block but cant find where to do it. I looked in the donation.block in the template file.

Re: Pay Pal Block Text

Posted: 30. October 2009 20:36
by Mike
open: language/en/mods/lang_portal.php


Code: Select all

	'DONATION_TEXT'	=> 'is a group supplying services with no intention of any monetary profit. Your donations are welcome so that the cost of our server, domain name, etc. can be covered.',
please note this: Knowledge Base: Editing phpBB (language) files the right way

Re: Pay Pal Block Text

Posted: 30. October 2009 20:37
by seksports
Thank you