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Move Recent topics down

Posted: 10. October 2009 11:31
by Christiaan
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi, I want to move the recent topic to the bottom of the page. How do I do this?

Another question: is there a "read more" mod available? A tag so you can specify when you want the "read all" to appear, not after x characters

Re: Move Recent topics down

Posted: 10. October 2009 12:34
by Mike

Re: Move Recent topics down

Posted: 13. October 2009 17:37
by Christiaan
Thanks, do you know the answer to my second question too?

Re: Move Recent topics down

Posted: 14. October 2009 07:57
by Kevin
What do you mean exactly with "a tag"?
A bbcode in the text, to show the "read all" at this place and cut the text afterwards - some kind of "user defined"? :?
This wouldn't be possible. There is a lot in the background technically going to offer this "read all" feature (count bbcodes in the post, close them in the other way round after reaching the amount of chars to not get unclosed html tags, etc). This is one of the most complex features of the portal, even if it's just a little link and a shortened text visible for the user. ;)

Re: Move Recent topics down

Posted: 17. October 2009 11:05
by Christiaan
Kevin wrote:What do you mean exactly with "a tag"?
A bbcode in the text, to show the "read all" at this place and cut the text afterwards - some kind of "user defined"? :?
This wouldn't be possible. There is a lot in the background technically going to offer this "read all" feature (count bbcodes in the post, close them in the other way round after reaching the amount of chars to not get unclosed html tags, etc). This is one of the most complex features of the portal, even if it's just a little link and a shortened text visible for the user. ;)
That's exactly what I meant yeah, sometimes my text just gets cut off... Pity it isn't possible.