Black Smoke Style

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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

your speaking a language i dont get lol I do know i have copied the files board3portal_1_0_3\root\styles\prosilver to the styles in my phpbb3 styles/prosilver so any way you can help me to understand step by step what i need to do from here ?

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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

Heres what i have come up with can you hale me to fix a few things with making it work properly ?
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

You have to copy the files from board3portal_1_0_3\root\styles\prosilver to styles/BlackSmoke
After that go through the install guide from prosilver, but do the changes in the files for BlackSmoke...

Maybe you cant figure out where to add the changes, since the files are different from prosilver. But if you just copy the files, and add portal.css to stylesheets.css it should look like this:

Here is my overall_header.html so you just have to copy & paste (replace) it into your overall_header.html

Code: Select all

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What you need is just an block_config.html file which i can make this evening...
Last edited by Mike on 4. October 2009 00:50, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: proper code, so the footer isnt crashed anymore
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

oh wow that style looks great much thanks for the help mike ill send 10 bucs your way via paypal for the help :) and again thanks :D mike
I did a fresh install of the portal onto the blacksmoke style and i get this error again :(

Code: Select all

template->_tpl_load_file(): File ./styles/prosilver/template//portal/portal_body.html does not exist or is empty
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

Hmm... looks like the same problem... on a fresh installation, you have to upload the content of the whole "root" folder into your phpbb root. Then you will have the requestet files on prosilver and subsilver2 Templates.
If you want to have more Styles, you need to find out on which Style your new Style is based on, and copy the according files. (as you have done in blacksmoke)

I added new Headers to the center Blocks on my Testboard:
Tell me, if you like it ;)
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

that looks very very nice i was goin to ask if that could be done to allll blocks :) also the style i am using is blacksmoke and i have tryed to install alllllllll the root files to my phpbb root>> board3portal_1_0_3\root\styles\prosilver to my root/test/styles/blacksmoke and i edited the files as well.... and used your headercode but still same general error :(
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

Did you copy the prosilver folder into blacksmoke, or just the content of the prosilverfolder?
You just have to copy the two folders "template" and "theme" into your blacksmoke folder. ;)

Remember that you have to purge all caches if you edit template files...
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

Ok mike i figured out what i was doin wrong i have no installed the portal on the blacksmoke style but few things look out of line like theres little orange circles that are outside the portal blocks
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

This happens if you dont upload portal.css, or forget to add it to stylesheet.css, or forget to clear all caches ;)
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

if you take a look at my portal i have white back rounds in some blocks..... also anyway you could help me to make those center blocks as well as make the left and right blocks have that nice header on them :)
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

No, it wouldnt work in the outer Blocks, since the Backroundimage has a fixed width. Let me try to make it without this Image, but with the rounded corners... ;)

White backround: maybe this is caused by the actual version of B3P... (I had some similar Trouble with other Styles)
In a few Days we rush out the new one (1.0.4) which i am using on my testboard without such errors... ;)
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

ok nice well i will wait until the new one comes out before i use this on my actual website also once you get this customized block stuff figured out you mind sending it to me :) thanks mike
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

OK... i made it:

Let me know if it is ok for you.

PS: new Version is out now ;)
PS1: there was an error in the Header code i posted... i correct it, and now the footer istn crashed anymore;)
PS2: may you use the dark Clock, since it looks way better: styles/board3portal/theme/images/portal/board3clock.swf (rightclick -> save under)
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by blastman »

Very nice work mike :D yes i have already downloaded and installed the portal 1.0.4 i was the 25 person to download :) it fixed the white backgrounds as well :) also your blocks look very very nice what about adding a rounded bottom to the blocks is that possible ? and i agree the silver clock looks very good ill switch mine asap but heres the newest 1.0.4 on my board :) thanks for all the help and work mike. :D
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Re: Black Smoke Style

Post by Mike »

Now with rounded corners at the bottom ;)

You have to change the code for your Header, because your footer is still crashed... I update the code in my prior posting.

Here is the actual config for this style: (works with 1.0.4 only)

Last edited by Mike on 4. October 2009 00:51, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: proper version
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