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Modify Block Recent and announcement?

Posted: 31. August 2009 00:34
by =TQC=Chief
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi, I want to know if its possible to have the block recent and announcement with the same look as the news compact ?

Look at my site please ... on the portal view I have modify the block announcement but I cant have the same look as the News one.

That is not to bad but the recent one look horrible .. ;)

If its possible I would like have the 3 portal block with the same look ?? or only modify the recent block to reach the look of the news one ?

Thx for your support


Re: Modify Block Recent and announcement?

Posted: 31. August 2009 00:54
by Ice
You can turn on compact view for announcements in the ACP, as for recents you'll have to play with that one yourself sorry.

Re: Modify Block Recent and announcement?

Posted: 31. August 2009 13:34
by =TQC=Chief
I have try a lot with no success ... anyone have do this before ? only the recent block with a similar look as the announcement one please ..

Re: Modify Block Recent and announcement?

Posted: 4. September 2009 04:48
by =TQC=Chief
Up ? please ... no one have this skill here ?