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Can't acces index board from portal

Posted: 29. July 2009 14:19
by Straihn
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.2.5

What have you done before the problem was there?
i put the code in .htaccess for SEO

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
the problem (i think) is in styles/name_style/overall_header.html & styles/name_style/overall_footer.html

Description and Message
i solved the the other problem, but now, after i put the code in .htaccess, when i click Board Index goes to main site , but the main site is the portal, not the /index.php i want when i click main page to redirect me on forum list (main board) /index.php

Anyone can help me with this bug?

P.S - the code i request here for the problem i'd have before is:
DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html index.htm

Re: Can't acces index board from portal

Posted: 30. July 2009 20:03
by talonos
in my overall_header.html my index.php is listed as {U_INDEX} so maybe u need to edit functions.php,

in functions.php find

Code: Select all

and make the line look like this

Code: Select all

		'U_INDEX'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"),
now in overall_header.html find the code for the INDEX link and in the href make it like this

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_INDEX}">Prima pagin?</a>
you can do the same in overall_footer.html if you have a link to the index.php in there too