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[EQDKP+] RaidPlanner Plugin - Next Raids Block

Posted: 14. July 2009 08:49
by ahmiquilena
I've been trying to add a block to my portal that displays the next raids from the Raidplanner plugin for EQDKP+, but so far I've had no luck. I found a code within their support forum, of someone who adapted a Joomla plugin to his phpBB3 installation.

Code: Select all


//The two lines above is only if you use SMF as cms/forum. Else you will have to setup the db connection manually

if(!function_exists('mysql_fetch_rowsarr')) {
function mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result, $numass=MYSQL_BOTH) {
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) return null;
  $keys=array_keys(mysql_fetch_array($result, $numass));
  mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, $numass)) {
      foreach ($keys as $speckey) {
  return $got;

function get25mandkpplus()
$content ="";
$dkp_prefix = "database and table prefix here";

$msql = 'SELECT event_icon, event_name FROM '.$dkp_prefix.'events';
//echo $msql;

$result = mysql_query($msql);
$icon = mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result);
//print_r ($icon);
//echo $icon['event_name']. " - ". $icon['event_icon'] . "<br/>";

  foreach ($icon as $myicons){
    $pleventicons[$myicons['event_name']] = $myicons['event_icon'];
    //echo $myicons[event_name] . " - ". $myicons[event_icon] . "<br/>";

$msql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$dkp_prefix.'raidplan_raids'.
        ' WHERE (raid_date >'.time().') and (`raid_closed` = \'0\')'.
        ' ORDER BY `raid_date` ASC'.
        ' LIMIT 5';

//echo $msql;
$result = mysql_query($msql);
$eqdkplist = mysql_fetch_rowsarr($result);
//print_r ($eqdkplist);
$content .="<table cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">";
$content .="<tr><td>";
$content .="</td></tr>";

  foreach ($eqdkplist as $meseqdkp){
    $myURL  = 'plugins/raidplan/viewraid.php';
    $myURL  = '/dkp/'.$myURL.'?r='.stripslashes($meseqdkp['raid_id']);
    $content .="<td width='56px'>
              <a href='".$myURL."'>
                       <img width='48px' border='0' src=/dkp/games/WoW/events/".$pleventicons[$meseqdkp['raid_name']].">
      $msql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$dkp_prefix."raidplan_raid_attendees WHERE attendees_subscribed=1 AND raid_id='".$meseqdkp['raid_id']."'";     
      $result = mysql_query($msql);     
      $signedin = mysql_result($result,0);
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ".$dkp_prefix."raidplan_raid_attendees WHERE attendees_subscribed=0 AND raid_id='".$meseqdkp['raid_id']."'");
      $confirmed = mysql_result($result,0);
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ".$dkp_prefix."raidplan_raid_attendees WHERE attendees_subscribed=2 AND raid_id='".$meseqdkp['raid_id']."'");
      $signedout = mysql_result($result,0);
      $result = mysql_query("SELECT raid_attendees FROM ".$dkp_prefix."raidplan_raids WHERE raid_id='".$meseqdkp['raid_id']."'");
      $total_memb = mysql_result($result,0);
     $content .='<td align="left">';
     $content .='<a class="raid_name" href="'.$myURL.'">'.stripslashes($meseqdkp['raid_name']).'</a><br/>';
     $content .= timeformat($meseqdkp['raid_date']-28800).'<br/>';
     $content .=" <span class='confirmed'>".$confirmed."</span>/
                    <span class='total'>".$total_memb."</span><span class='signedin'>(".($signedin) .")</span>";
     $content .="</td></tr>";
  $content .='<td><tr><span="no_raids">No upcoming raids.</span></td></tr>';

echo $content;

Could anyone take a look at the code and explain/try to create a portal block out of it? Or better yet, explain to me what I need to do in order to create the block myself?

I've created a few blocks already, but it was mostly plain text, or an <iframe> for ventrilo status, so those were simple. But I have NO idea how to include php code in the block itself. Completely love Board3, but I have yet to find a block that would display any sort of info from Raidplanner, which is a popular raid planning tool from EQDKP+ and it really is the only thing missing on my site.

Raidplanner also supports RSS feeds, it creates one of the upcomming raids and whatnot, so maybe people could pull that data out of it? and display the RSS in a block?
Example of RSS feed: ... an/rss.xml

The goal would be to get something like this:
EQDKP+ already does on its own site, but I want to make it a block in the main portal.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Re: [EQDKP+] RaidPlanner Plugin - Next Raids Block

Posted: 16. July 2009 13:42
by ahmiquilena
I found there's a php file to handle the "next raids" block on EQDKP+ portal, so it would be a matter of porting it over to the Board3 block system. The code is already there, but I have no idea how to insert that code in let's say a block called events.html, so it gets displayed on Board3 portal as well.

Code: Select all

 * Project:     EQdkp RaidPlanner
 * License:     Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
 * Link:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Began:       2005
 * Date:        $Date: 2008-11-03 13:24:11 +0100 (Mo, 03 Nov 2008) $
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author      $Author: wallenium $
 * @copyright   2005-2008 Simon (Wallenium) Wallmann
 * @link
 * @package     raidplan
 * @version     $Rev: 2963 $
 * $Id: nextraids.php 2963 2008-11-03 12:24:11Z wallenium $
if ( !defined('EQDKP_INC') ){
  header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');exit;

$portal_module['nextraids'] = array(
			'name'			    => 'nextRaids Module',
			'path'			    => 'nextraids',
			'version'		    => '1.1.0',
			'author'        => 'PLUS Dev Team',
			'contact'		    => '',
			'positions'     => array('left1', 'left2', 'right'),
      'signedin'      => '0',
      'install'       => array(
                            'autoenable'        => '1',
                            'defaultposition'   => 'right',
                            'defaultnumber'     => '1',

$portal_settings['nextraids'] = array(
  'pk_nextraids_limit'     => array(
        'name'      => 'rp_nextraids_limit',
        'language'  => 'rp_nextraids_limit',
        'property'  => 'text',
        'size'      => '2',

  function nextraids_module(){
  	global $db, $eqdkp_root_path, $table_prefix, $user, $eqdkp, $conf_plus, $stime;

		$total_recent_raids = $total_raids = 0;

		// Load the Raidplan Config
		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM __raidplan_config';
    $settings_result = $db->query($sql);
    while($roww = $db->fetch_record($settings_result)){
      $conf[$roww['config_name']] = $roww['config_value'];
    // Load the Raidplan User Settings
    if ($user->data['user_id'] && !$user->data['username']=="" && $conf['rp_override_usettings'] != 1){
  		$usql = "SELECT * FROM __raidplan_userconfig WHERE `user_id`='".$user->data['user_id']."'";
  		$usettings_result = $db->query($usql);
  		while($rowww = $db->fetch_record($usettings_result)){
  		  $usersettings[$rowww['config_name']] = $rowww['config_value'];

  		// security - overwrite only selected ones :)
  			$conf['rp_dstcheck']			= $usersettings['rp_dstcheck'];     # Daylight Saving
  			$conf['rp_timezone']			= $usersettings['rp_timezone'];     # TimeZone
    // Status colors
    $out = "<style>
                .status0 {
                	color	: ".$conf['color_status0'].";
                	align	: right;
                .status1 {
                	color	: ".$conf['color_status1'].";
                	align	: right;
                .status2 {
                	color	: ".$conf['color_status2'].";
                	align	: right;
                .status3 {
                	color	: ".$conf['color_status3'].";
                	align	: right;
    // init the time class
		  include($eqdkp_root_path . 'plugins/raidplan/includes/time.class.php');
      $stime = new DateFormats($user->lang['rp_calendar_lang'], $conf['rp_dstcheck'], $conf['rp_timezone']); // Init the Time Management Class
    $conf['timeformats'] = $stime->timeFormats(); // Load the Time Format Array
    // The event icons..
	  $sql = "SELECT event_icon, event_name FROM __events";
		$icon = $db->query($sql);
		while($eventrow = $db->fetch_record($icon)){
  		$pleventicons[$eventrow['event_name']] = $eventrow['event_icon'];
    // generate an array with the guest stuff
    if($conf['rp_use_guests'] == 1){
      $sql_guest = "SELECT membername, raid_id FROM __raidplan_tempmembers";
    	$guest_result = $db->query($sql_guest);
      while( $guest_row = $db->fetch_record($guest_result) ){
        $guests[$guest_row['raid_id']][] = $guest_row['membername'];
		//looking for next Raids
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM __raidplan_raids 
            WHERE raid_date > ".$stime->DoTime()."  
            AND raid_closed = '0'
            ORDER BY `raid_date`";

		if ($conf_plus['rp_nextraids_limit'] > 0) {
		 $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$conf_plus['rp_nextraids_limit']	;
		}elseif ($conf_plus['rp_nextraids_limit'] == 0 ){
		 $sql .= ' LIMIT 3'	;
		$result = $db->query($sql);
		$raidcount = $db->num_rows($result); 
		//Do the rest only if we have at least one next raid
		if ($raidcount > 0){
			//Get all MemberIDs from the active User
			if ( $user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ){
				$sql2 = 'SELECT member_id	FROM __member_user WHERE user_id = '. $user->data['user_id'] .'';
		 		$result2 = $db->query($sql2);
		 		$member_ids = array();

		 		//get all memberIDs
				while ( $row2 = $db->fetch_record($result2) ){
					$member_ids[] = $row2[member_id]  ;
			$noraids = false;
      $noraids = true;
    //Table Header
		$out .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="noborder">';
		//go though all given next raids
	  while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) ){
			$own_status      = false;
			$count_status    = $count_array = '';
      // Build the Attendee Array
      $cattsql = "SELECT a.attendees_subscribed, a.member_id 
                  FROM __raidplan_raid_attendees a, __members m, __member_user mu
                  WHERE m.member_id=a.member_id
                  AND mu.member_id=m.member_id
                  AND a.raid_id=" . $row['raid_id'];
	    $count_attendees = $db->query($cattsql);
	    while ( $att_row = $db->fetch_record($count_attendees) ){
        $count_array[$att_row['member_id']] = $att_row['attendees_subscribed'];
      if(is_array($count_array)&& count($count_array) != 0){
          if (!defined('ROLES_TABLE'))  { define('ROLES_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'roles'); } // prevent white pages...
    		  include($eqdkp_root_path . 'plugins/raidplan/includes/raidplan.class.php');
          $rpclass    = new RaidplanAddition;
        $count_status =  array(
                          $rpclass->count_repeat_values('0', $count_array),
                          $rpclass->count_repeat_values('1', $count_array),
                          $rpclass->count_repeat_values('2', $count_array),
                          $rpclass->count_repeat_values('3', $count_array)
	    // count the total sum
	    $sql = "SELECT raid_attendees FROM __raidplan_raids WHERE raid_id='".$row['raid_id']."'";
	    $count_total       = $db->query_first($sql);
	    $count_confirmed   = (is_array($guests[$row['raid_id']])) ? count($guests[$row['raid_id']]) + $count_status[0] : $count_status[0];

			// is the Member signed in?
				$sql2 = "SELECT attendees_subscribed,attendees_note,attendees_signup_time FROM __raidplan_raid_attendees
							  WHERE raid_id=".$row['raid_id']."
							  AND member_id in ('".join_array("', '", $member_ids)."')";
				$result2 = $db->query($sql2);

				//found some raids
				$row2 = $db->fetch_record($result2);
					if ($row2['attendees_signup_time']){     //only if the user has allready signed on
						$own_status['status'] = $row2['attendees_subscribed'];
						$own_status['note'] 	= $row2['attendees_note'];

			// Calculate the Member Counts
      $count_summ       = $count_confirmed + $count_status[1];   // Total Attendees (confirmed (+guest) + signed in)
      $diffangemeldet   = $count_total - $count_summ;         // Needed Members (Needed Members - Total)
      $diffangemeldet   = ($diffangemeldet < 0) ? 0 : $diffangemeldet;

    	$confirmstatus = '';

    	//Flags only for registered user
    	if (is_array($own_status)){
        $confirmstatus = ' <img src='.$eqdkp_root_path.'plugins/raidplan/images/status/status'.$own_status['status'].'.gif />';

			$out .= "<tr class=row1><td colspan=2><b>".$stime->DoDate($conf['timeformats']['medium'], $row['raid_date']).$confirmstatus.
      $raidplink = $eqdkp_root_path."plugins/raidplan/viewraid.php?r=";
			$out .= '<tr class="row2" nowrap onmouseover="this.className=\'rowHover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'row2\';">'.
							"<td valign=top>
			  		   		<a href='".$raidplink.stripslashes($row['raid_id'])."'>
			  		   		  <img src=".$eqdkp_root_path."/games/".$eqdkp->config['default_game']."/events/".$pleventicons[stripslashes($row['raid_name'])].">
			  				<a href='".$raidplink.stripslashes($row['raid_id'])."'>".stripslashes($row['raid_name'])." (".$count_total.") </a><br/>";

    	if (is_array($own_status)){
			  $out .= "<span class='status1'>".$user->lang['rp_nextraids_signon'].": ".$count_status[1]."</span><br/>" ;
			  $out .= "<span class='status0'>".$user->lang['rp_nextraids_confirmed'].": ".$count_confirmed."</span><br/>" ;
			  $out .= "<span class='status2'>".$user->lang['rp_nextraids_signoff'].": ".$count_status[2]."</span><br/>" ;
 			  $out .=  ($diffangemeldet > 0) ? "<span class='negative'><b>".$user->lang['rp_nextraids_missing'].": ".$diffangemeldet."</b></span>" : '' ;
    	}elseif ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS){
      	  $out .= "(<span class='status1'>".$count_status[1]."</span>/ ";
  			  $out .= "<span class='status0'>".$count_confirmed."</span> / ";
  			  $out .= "<span class='status2'>".$count_status[2]."</span> /";
  			  $out .= "<span class='negative'>".$diffangemeldet."</span>)<br/>";
    		$out .= "<a href='".$eqdkp_root_path."plugins/raidplan/viewraid.php?r=". $row['raid_id']."'>".$user->lang['rp_nextraids_notsigned']."</a>" ;
			$out .= "</td></tr>";
	  }#end while
      $out .= '<tr><td colspan="2" class="smalltitle" align="center">'.$user->lang['rp_nextraids_noraids'].'</td></tr>';
	  $out .= "</table>" ;
    return $out;
Anyone out there with a little bit of time willing to help?