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Pages by GET

Posted: 1. July 2009 14:11
by hmm
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
if (! empty (@ $ _GET [ 'page']) {
/ / my switch ..
} else {
/ / Other includes: welcome, news, etc. ..

Description and Message
I tried to put an include page that I want to portal.php, but does not work. Well, to work fine, but appears on top of the page instead of being included in the template.

And another thing, for example if I want something to get sent, and the page appears to not appear all the other things that are to appear in the center, such as the welcome page, news, etc ...

Thanks, and sorry my english.

Re: Pages by GET

Posted: 1. July 2009 18:50
by Ice
This portal was never designed to handle pages like that, but some one else may have a better explanation.

Re: Pages by GET

Posted: 1. July 2009 19:56
by hmm
I can show these pages I want to open small windows with the size I need, but I think that is wrong. So that my idea. I hope someone has a solution for this ..

It was very good if I could, because I do not know how it is impossible.

thanks and sorry my english