How would I go about adding a second News block?

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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How would I go about adding a second News block?

Post by eugene187 »

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Description and Message
I'm not sure if this is the right forum sorry if it is not

We want to add a second news block to our portal. Is there any easy way to go about doing this or a KB article that I am missing?


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Re: How would I go about adding a second News block?

Post by Mr.Victor »

I would like two seperate news feed also. Anyone?

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Re: How would I go about adding a second News block?

Post by eugene187 »

I ended up taking the global announcements block and changing it to look for regular annoucements and it works pretty much the same :)
not a great setup but it will work for now


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