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Block development?

Posted: 25. June 2009 13:50
by MrBaseball34
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

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Description and Message
Would like to know more about block development and modification.
I'd like to replace the analog clock with a digital clock and build my own blocks to replace some of the ones included.

Any links?

Re: Block development?

Posted: 25. June 2009 17:20
by Mike
We have a great Knowledgebase ;)

Knowledge Base: How to ... change the clock

Re: Block development?

Posted: 25. June 2009 18:48
by MrBaseball34
Changing the clock isn't the only thing I asked about.
I also want to develop some custom blocks. I didn't find anything in the KB
about how to do that.

Re: Block development?

Posted: 26. June 2009 22:31
by MrBaseball34
Any more replies?

Re: Block development?

Posted: 26. June 2009 23:31
by Mike
What exactly do you want to know... If you want to develop your own Blocks, you should be able to study the existing blocks, and convert them to your needs... right? ;)
In our KB you find articles on how to add a new Block, or how to change the Order of these Blocks. The new Style system is also described in there... And what you need for the code of your Blocks, you should know better than us ;)