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Confused on installing Styles

Posted: 19. June 2009 11:14
by Timb
Your Portal Version: v1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

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Description and Message

I've been trying to figure out how to get styles installed and working, however I'm have problems doing so.

I've downloaded a few of the 1.0.2 Styles, but have no idea how to install them. I've tried copying the prosilver theme and adding the style files to the base prosilver theme. However, when I upload the new directory, it doesn't show up in the Styles/Themes/etc section of the Admin area.

Could someone point me in the right direction on how to install these new styles? I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank you,

Re: Confused on installing Styles

Posted: 19. June 2009 12:32
by Mike
As first, you have to install the Style for your Board. If you firgured out if this Style is based on prosilver or subsilver2, you have to copy the according content from our download. That means, if your Style is base on prosilver (and prosilver itself) you have to copy the content from board3portal_1_0_3\root\styles\prosilver into the directory of your Style. Then you have to install this Style via ACP and using the board3portal_1_0_3\install.xml in our download. If your Style is based on subsilver2 then you have to use board3portal_1_0_3\contrib\subsilver2.xml also...

Oh, and if you have installed B3P 1.0.3 you cannot use Style adaptions for 1.0.2 ! (won't work)

Re: Confused on installing Styles

Posted: 19. June 2009 20:02
by Timb
Ah, so they're not compatible. I assume the demo site you have up at is still using 1.0.2 then?

Re: Confused on installing Styles

Posted: 19. June 2009 23:13
by Mike
No... this is B3Pv1.0.3. But there are no Install Guides for this Styles... Just the config files...