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Board3 Portal Questions

Posted: 24. May 2009 18:54
by Dan
Your Portal Version:
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: N/A
MySQL Version: N/A

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi, I have a few questions about the Board3 Portal :) First of all, on the Board3 Portal clock it says 'Board3', how do I change
that to something else? And also how do I remove the post count on the User Menu on the right when the user is logged in?


Re: Board3 Portal Questions

Posted: 27. May 2009 09:10
by anywhere91

Sorry for the translation :oops: ( I'm french! excuse me ;) )

To watch the clock this message => knowledge/kb_show.php?id=20

The file is a clock swf file, a swf file editor like Macromedia flashplayer to change the look of the clock.

For the second question, I do not know but I'm also interested!


Re: Board3 Portal Questions

Posted: 27. May 2009 17:36
by Marc
In order to remove the post count, open portal/block/user_menu.php

Code: Select all

'L_SELF_POSTS'    => $user->lang['SEARCH_SELF'] . ' (' . $you_posts_count . ')', 
Replace with:

Code: Select all

'L_SELF_POSTS'    => $user->lang['SEARCH_SELF'],