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Portal theme problem

Posted: 15. May 2009 01:00
by fordman505
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I installed the pbpbb3 and portal 1.0.3

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Tried to talk with someone on the x-tream style site to get the editing correct.

Description and Message
Hi I installed your portal today and it worked great. I downloaded x-tream style for my site and installed it, went to the contributions area as instructed by the guys at x-tream. I edited the breadcrumbs.html and the overalll_header.html. Everything is fine accept the overal_header edit. If you go to my site this is what it looks like after edited. If I use the original file it atleast is all there and colored, but the portal buttons are not finished and you can see that. As soon as I do the edits on the overall_header file everything gets screwed up. Now the creater of x-tream did the edits on the header file and gave it to me but it had the same result. Im not sure what is wrong can anyone help me here?

Re: Portal theme problem

Posted: 15. May 2009 02:55
by fordman505
ok, nevermind I got it figured out...It ends up that was using word pad to edit my html files and that was what was causing the problem. Mej284 from skin lab halped me resolv the proble though. awesome board guys!