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Questions regarding the Portal

Posted: 26. April 2009 21:21
by enxorix
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Okay.. first question is. when i go to the forum. i can't browse back to the Portal..
i give a screenshot.
you can also browse to see the problems.

Question 2.
I would like to add some Custom menu fields.
is it possible.?

Thanks for helping me.

Re: Questions regarding the Portal

Posted: 26. April 2009 23:36
by Mike
Do you followed all instructions in install.xml?
If so, you should have a portal link before the board index, and you should also have arrow icons in your menu instead of the bullets.
And if you would have a look at this Article in our Knowledge base you would also know anything about customizing your menu. ;)

Re: Questions regarding the Portal

Posted: 27. April 2009 08:17
by enxorix
i followed all steps at


you know wich step i did wrong?
i could have more faults in my website.. :S

Can't you release a complete package with the MOD already installed in phpbb?
because stuffs like this is really hard for me.. :S

Please i beg you.

If it isn't possible you maybe can tell me what's my problem?
Check my site on


Re: Questions regarding the Portal

Posted: 27. April 2009 12:51
by Mike
enxorix wrote:maybe can tell me what's my problem?
Your first problem is this no-ip sh.. Your site is not available... ;)
enxorix wrote:Can't you release a complete package with the MOD already installed in phpbb?
No, we can't. Kevin already told why: viewtopic.php?p=14515#p14515
Check the middle of his Posting, and hopefuly you will understand why we can''t provide such an complete package ;)

If you realy followed all steps in install.xml, you cant try this:
Knowledge Base: Änderungen an den Styles Dateien

In my last posting i already told you how to customice your menu. ;) (klick the link)