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Different colors at the portal..

Posted: 1. April 2009 21:01
by casper™
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
installed MOD Lytebox BBCode MOD..

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
upload edit files from styles..

Description and Message
hi there..

all credits and copyright at the portal, and once again my sorry to remove that, just i didnt know it about those rules..

so here is again the problem:

i installed a few days ago the portal and all its be fine until i install the Lytebox BBCode MOD, i do everithing in localhost and all it was great but i forgot to check the board portal.. :oops:

now as you can see i've got a different colors at the portal, and i uninstalled the MOD but i cant fixe him..

please can anyone give me some help to solve the problem??..

best regards..

Posted: 1. April 2009 21:40
by Marc
You should maybe try updating to the newest version 1.0.3. That should change the way the left and right side look.

Also, make sure to refresh your Theme and Temlate Cache.

P.S: Please edit your topic title.

Re: Different colors at the portal..

Posted: 1. April 2009 21:48
by casper™
thank you so much for the reply Marc, and once again my apologizes for the rules that i've broken with no bad intentions..

so you told me to install everything again with the new version of the portal??.. :shock:

or and please tell me that exists a little pack of files to update the version 1.0.3, and if exists can you point me where do i can download the pack??..

thanks in advance..

Re: Different colors at the portal..

Posted: 1. April 2009 21:53
by Marc
Download the normal 1.0.3 package. There are update instructions in the contrib folder.

Re: Different colors at the portal..

Posted: 1. April 2009 21:58
by casper™
many thanks Marc.. i'll do that, after i report if it runs all fine.. ;)

thanks a lot for your support and kindness..

best regards..