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Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 06:43
by NewEditionFanClub
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I don't understand how I move the blocks around to different spots. I only see in the ACP to activate or deactivate things.

Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 06:56
by NewEditionFanClub
Update... I looked in the modules and I see them enabled under Portal but my left column shows none of them.

Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 07:31
by Kevin

Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 07:37
by NewEditionFanClub
Thanks for that. Why don't I see anything in the left column in the ACP even after refreshing and purging? See here:


Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 07:41
by Kevin
Please don't shout at me. ;)

If purging cache and refreshing styles don't get you further, try to add the modules manually in the ACP.

Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 07:53
by NewEditionFanClub
Kevin wrote:Please don't shout at me. ;)

If purging cache and refreshing styles don't get you further, try to add the modules manually in the ACP.
Sorry, I didn't shout... I was typing it bigger so you could see the typing above the picture. Yes, I went in and looked at the modules. They are all there... but I'm not seeing them when I click on the portal tab. See this:


Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 17:15
by Kevin
It seems that your modules are not in the ".mod" container, as is see "ACP --> Portal" on your screenshot.
It should be in ACP --> .mods --> Portal"
Have you already added them manually?

As long as you are not sure how to add them: I think the easiest way is to remove those portal modules, uninstall the portal with our installer and reinstall it afterwards. The modules should be there then.

Re: Moving Things Around?

Posted: 30. March 2009 18:30
by NewEditionFanClub
All set! Thanks so much!