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Mark Forums Read- Returns Me To Portal

Posted: 27. March 2009 01:19
by GWAVE 23 xDoWx
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed Board3 portal

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Couldn't find the solution

Description and Message
Hi, I have no changed themes.

The problem I have is when I click on "Mark Forums Read" it sends me to the portal page and when I go back to the board the forums are not marked read. Anybody know why it is doing this?

Also the site logo/header links to index.php is there anyway to get it to link to portal.php?

Thank you,

Re: Mark Forums Read- Returns Me To Portal

Posted: 27. March 2009 01:20
by GWAVE 23 xDoWx
Sorry, at the start I was suppose to say "Hi, I have NOW changed themes"

Re: Mark Forums Read- Returns Me To Portal

Posted: 27. March 2009 13:47
by Kevin
GWAVE 23 xDoWx wrote:when I click on "Mark Forums Read"
Where do you click on it - on the portal or the index page? If on the portal: The same behaviour if you click on it on the index page?
GWAVE 23 xDoWx wrote:Also the site logo/header links to index.php is there anyway to get it to link to portal.php?
Knowledge Base: site_logo link to Portal

Re: Mark Forums Read- Returns Me To Portal

Posted: 27. March 2009 15:49
by GWAVE 23 xDoWx
Thank you.

It happens when I click mark forums read on the index page. It didn't happen before.