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More news type blocks...

Posted: 26. March 2009 19:46
by Twizted
I am looking to make another news type block for a small section of my header that will have "Important" updates posted to it. Could someone please advise me one what I would need to do to duplicate the news.php and news.html so that I have no conflicts as well as adding configuration into the ACP. Thanks

Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 26. March 2009 22:22
by Twizted
So I tried doing this myself... It was epic fail.....

I basically went through all the files for the board3 install and duplicated all instances of code pertaining to the news block. I then added a updates.php and updates.html file for the style and block. Updated the Database with the module information and portal_config info... I thought it was going to work well until I tried using it and at first things looked promising... I managed to get the ACP part working albeit it was not under the .Mod tab it was in its own tab called "Updates" for some reason. But then I purged and refreshed the page and BAMMM!!! Massive Fail, All sorts of sql and other errors....

So, I am definitely going to need some assistance with this one.. I would very much appreciate it.

Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 27. March 2009 07:10
by Kevin
Well, this is not a "quick" or "small" modification, as this is quite complex to achieve.
A beginning might be to show us your modified codes. You have to rename a bunch of variables, but keep the ones for the function of getting the posts, just bind them to a specific forum.
Although i could not promise, that i have the time to help you - as i said - it's quite complex and takes time.

But why don't you take the announcements block for your purpose?

Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 27. March 2009 17:23
by Twizted
FACE ---> :oops: <--- PALM

I never even thought of that...

Ok, I have that setup... but... There is a problem.... I need to include the attachment, but.... I need to make that attachment smaller... resize it so that it fits my given area.... Is this possible....

You can see the current problem by going to .....

Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 27. March 2009 17:30
by Kevin
Uh - that looks bad! :shock:
Hm, this is another story. I believe their has been a thread here aboard about auto-resizing attached images with another mod.
Give it a shot and search for it. ;)

Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 27. March 2009 23:19
by Twizted
Well, I can honestly say I have looked lol... I have looked all over the forums here and can not find a solution for resizing the images that are displayed in announcements and news

I found another issue as well... It puts the file name, comment and views under the image.... I found that this can be removed in the attachments.html file but I do not want to remove that for the forums, only for the ones in announcements and news. Can you please advise how I might handle this? I would be willing to donate to the site for the assistance...


Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 29. March 2009 01:08
by Twizted
Any guidance would be appreciate... :)


Re: More news type blocks...

Posted: 10. August 2009 12:05
by Kevin
I just made a guide on adding a second news block:
Second news block / zweiter News Block