[Beta] Board 3 Portal 0.2.1 - English

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[Beta] Board 3 Portal 0.2.1 - English

Post by Kevin »

We are proud to release our new "Ice rocks your socks off" version:

MOD-Titel: Board 3 Portal
MOD-version: 0.2.1
Adds a portal with several blocks, which can be switched on and off via the ACP, to the front page of your forums.
This portal is a further development / fork of the phpbb3Portal. An update wizard and update instructions from phpbb3portal 1.1.0b, 1.2.2 and from version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 are included in the package.

Changes to version 0.2.0:
  • No longer required to be a founder to update/install, just an admin with "board" permissions.
  • Fixed a news/announcements permissions bug.
  • Fixed a bug when no news posts were viewable due to account permissions.
  • Fixed a bug in announcements/news/polls due to shadow topics left after a topic is moved.
Changes to version 0.1.0:
  • Polls have been completely reworked (checking permissions, show newest, etc)
  • subsilver2 is included in the package (Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict!)
  • several bugfixes
  • Forum names are diplayed with news / announcements
  • Upcoming birthdays (configurable in ACP) - many thanks to Kendoo!
  • Several stylefixes and improvements
  • Welcomebox is not limited to 255 characters anymore
  • Log messages in ACP configuration are displayed properly now
  • The installer / updater (called PInUp) has been reworked
Changes from phpbb3Portal 1.1.0b to Board3 Portal 0.1.0:
  • Completed the ACP management (all boxes could be turned on + off, the ACP management is now phpBB conform in the ACP tab "Mods")
  • Image Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict! (prosilver)
  • many bugfixes
  • several new functions (e.g. read / unread topic icons + attachment icon at recent news / announcements, welcome box optional only for Guests, BBCode is parsed in textview when messages are cut when the max length is reached in recent news / announcements, etc)
  • Language files are moved and renamed phpBB conform into language/mods, no language variables have to be added to the phpBB acp/common.php file anymore
  • The DB entries which has been in the phpbb_config table are moved into a own table, (called phpbb_portal_config), because otherwise the whole board could suffer in performance (nearly 60 additional entries, who would be called on each site otherwise)
  • The installer / updater is coded completely new
MOD-authors: Ice, Kevin, Redbull254, nickvergessen (Bugfixer)
MOD-download: phpBB-version: phpBB 3.0.0
phpBB-styles: prosilver, subsilver2
phpBB-languages: English, Dutch, German, Norwegian
MOD-demo: Demoboard

Please don't upload the mod anywhere, without asking me before, thanks.

Many thanks to the community, you have helped us a lot and have had a lot of good ideas! Especially Christian_N, kendoo and NCurk, who have offered us "ready to use" bug fixes and features.
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[Beta] Board 3 Portal 0.2.1 - English

Post by Ice »

We will be releasing a new version today, 0.2.1. This update fixes a few bugs and makes some of the background work more efficient.

Changes since 0.2.0
No longer required to be a founder to update/install, just an admin with "board" permissions.
Fixed a news/announcements permissions bug.
Fixed a bug when no news posts were viewable due to account permissions.
Fixed a bug in announcements/news/polls due to shadow topics left after a topic is moved.

Thank you for your patience!
Board3 Portal Dev & English Tech Support
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Changed Files and known problems in V0.2.1

Post by Kevin »

Changed files since 0.2.0:
  • /root/portal/includes/functions.php
  • /root/portal/block/poll.php
  • /root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/announcements.html
  • /templates/subsilver2/template/portal/block/announcements.html
  • /root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/links.html
  • /templates/subsilver2/template/portal/block/links.html
  • /templates/subsilver2/template/portal/block/recent.html
Known problems in V0.2.1:
  • If you receive a MySQL error after the update, please use our PinUp (Installer / Updater / Uninstaller) File, to uninstall the portal. Right after that run a full install with the PinUp.
  • If the displayed topic time for news is wrong (the time of the first, not the last post), please download the package once again and replace the:
  • If you are dealing with performance problems on the portal: please deactivate the wordgraph.
    The wordgraph puts heavy load on your forum (it have to query a huge list of search words), we recommend to let it turned off. Especially in forums with tons of Posts.
  • If you can't get more than 255 characters into the welcome box, please run a full install with PinUp (uninstall - install).
  • If you receive a error while trying to install the portal, that you have to be logged in as founder / Admin, please search in root/install_portal/install.php for:

    Code: Select all

    	 if( $user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('a_board') )

    Code: Select all

    } else {
     	  	         include($phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal/style/layout_header.'.$phpEx);
     	  	         echo '<h1>' . $user->lang['INSTALLER_ERROR'] . '</h1>';
     	  	         echo '<p>' . $user->lang['INSTALLER_NEEDS_ADMIN'] . '</p>';
     	  	         include($phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal/style/layout_footer.'.$phpEx);
    and delete the code
  • If the Bots box is not shown although you have turned it on, please reduce the number of bots to display. (If you have configured more bots to display then already visited your board, the box is not shown.)
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: [Beta] Board 3 Portal 0.2.1 - English

Post by Kevin »

- Added Dutch (thanks to Raimon) and Norwegian (thanks to delta221) languages to the package.
- Added update instructions for phpbb3-Portal 1.2.2
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

Kein Support per PN / No support via PM!

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