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Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 14. February 2009 07:08
by Zaid
Your Portal Version:
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi, I have a heavy modded phpbb3.0.4 forum and after going through many portals I am probably going to insatall your Portal on my board...

In the I saw this Advanced Recent Topics, section... is there any way to get this feature working on portal ?


Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 14. February 2009 09:17
by Kevin
Try it. I think there has been a discussion about that before.
Try searching for it: search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=recent+topics

Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 15. February 2009 00:12
by Zaid
I tried... But the search wasn't much of a help... Your portal looks very simple and easy to install.. So is there any way I can get the Ajax/Advanced Recent Topics Block which is found in the phpbb3portal or damysterious portal ?

Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 15. February 2009 14:54
by Kevin
It should work wit B3P.
Show us the code you want to build in.

Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 15. February 2009 22:44
by Zaid
Kevin wrote:It should work wit B3P.
Show us the code you want to build in.
Well, I don't have any code abouts because then I would have finished intregrating it by now... :lol: I was looking up to you if you could get the code or say write a new one since your developing the portal aye . :?

This is what I am talking about... if you can find out a way to get this box then your portal stands out from the rest, in the top portals and also good for us users.


Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 16. February 2009 07:12
by japagun
this is version alplha but the project is stopped

Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 16. February 2009 10:18
by Zaid
japagun wrote:this is version alplha but the project is stopped
how come ? and where do you get it ?

Re: Can We Have This On The Portal ?

Posted: 17. February 2009 15:37
by japagun
Zaid wrote:
japagun wrote:this is version alplha but the project is stopped
how come ? and where do you get it ?
see in phpbb3portal forum or