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Posted: 5. February 2009 22:42
by jujolina
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.4

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I've looked the colours.css file, and other .css files...but even if I've found colour codes similar to the ones I want to change, I've not solved my problem !

Description and Message
Hi all, I'm italian..I've installed your portal and it's ok but I?ve a little problem.... The installation of the portal has changed colours of the principal blocks of my forum...maybe cause I've modified the prosilvers theme included in the portal installation..I've adapted the instructions for my style, the Blackdiamonds...

Anyway, Now my forum and my portal are in this way ( look at the attachement ) ... before the installation, the light blue was gray,similar to the dark gray...

this are the light blue parts I mean..

Well,this are images..




Posted: 5. February 2009 23:06
by Christian_N
please edit the graphic styles/yourstyle/theme/images/bg_header.gif and styles/yourstyle/theme/images/bg_list.gif with a graphics program of your case.

Topic moved to "General phpBB3 Support"
Please note our rules: - Rules | We ask for your attention

Sorry for my bad English.
Greetings Chris


Posted: 5. February 2009 23:10
by jujolina
well, I'm not so good with graphics :) I mean, I use corel paint shop pro and I'm not bad, but ... I don't understand how changing the file you told me could solve my problem...Infact, I've began having that problem when I install the portal, so I think it should be a proble about css or other files in the root tha i should modify...

Am I wrong ?


Posted: 5. February 2009 23:27
by Christian_N
Please :)

and bg_list.gif

Just in styles/yourstyle/theme/images upload


Posted: 6. February 2009 04:22
by japagun
jujolina wrote:well, I'm not so good with graphics :) I mean, I use corel paint shop pro and I'm not bad, but ... I don't understand how changing the file you told me could solve my problem...Infact, I've began having that problem when I install the portal, so I think it should be a proble about css or other files in the root tha i should modify...

Am I wrong ?
i have just copy the files that Christian_N told in your portal folders, changing the ones that you have inside, with this colors....


Posted: 6. February 2009 09:20
by jujolina
and where can i find the file you've changed ? my portal is the same as yesterday... sorry but i'm a little bit in difficulty :)


Posted: 6. February 2009 15:48
by Marc


Posted: 6. February 2009 17:28
by jujolina
i'VE TRIED ALL YOUR SOLUTIONS, BUT THEY DIDN'T WORK...PLEASE, COME ON MY FORUM ADN MY PORTAL AND LOOK.... AND.. if I'm asking too much...maybe someone could give me the solution done ( with the code and all made by you) ?

PS: Christian_N , Ive done what you told me, it's worst !!! Now even the lateral column are lightpink and blue !!I wanted all dark, black,gray, darkgray,lightgray, don't know but surely NOT ligh colours ... sigh sob.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
My style is BlackDiamond


Posted: 6. February 2009 18:09
by jujolina
Well, I don't know why but now the border aren't lightblue, they're the same as before, dark...but...the colum of the portal have this horrible colours,lightpink and lightblue...I don't like but I can't understand which files I've to modify..


Posted: 6. February 2009 18:40
by Kevin
Please read our forum rules, you are violating it several times.
  • We can provide support to portal-related questions only. General phpBB support is not our business. Please post phpbb-related questions to, our team is working hard just to get portal questions handled. Therefore it is not possible to post new topics to the "General phpBB Support" forum.
  • Please do not demand help or exert pressure. Requests like "urgent!"oder "until tonight!" won't speed up replies. We help as fast as we can manage it.
  • Topic-Bumping is only accepted at least 24 hrs. after posting.
Topic closed.