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Showing the sub header bar (??) in the portal

Posted: 30. January 2009 19:16
by DutchToxophilite
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.2.4
MySQL Version: MySQL 4.1.21-standard-log

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed Portal MOD

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Going through all the settings of the Portal MOD

Description and Message

I have installed the Portal today. Everything worked in 1 go. Very Nice. Way better than the portal you have based this MOD on.

I have a small question.

On your portal on this site, I can see the header sub bar (I do not exactly know how it is called). The bar I mean is the one, showing your current location, user control panel and messages on the left, and Knowledgebase, FAQ, Members and logout on the right.

I have poured through the Portal MOD settings, but can find, how to show this bar in the portal as well.

I haved tried searching through the topics in this board, unfortunately as I have no idea what the bar is called, the search completely failed.

If there is a topic regarding this, then please refer me to it.



Re: Showing the sub header bar (??) in the portal

Posted: 30. January 2009 22:38
by Mike
Im not sure if we talk about the same, but i think this could help:


Re: Showing the sub header bar (??) in the portal

Posted: 30. January 2009 22:59
by DutchToxophilite
That was exactly what I needed.

Thanx a lot.

Maybe something for the future, a possibility to turn this on or off in the MOD settings in the ACP.
