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The Electric Saints .com

Posted: 26. January 2009 19:35
by Kevin
Just (nearly) finished the work on it:

phpBB3 as a CMS for my ex-band mates. Using Board3 Portal (very simplified) with Dyos MOD Portalview.
Another way to use phpBB. ;)

Gerade (so gut wie) fertig geworden:

phpBB3 als CMS für meine Ex-Band. Board3 Portal (sehr abgespeckt) mit Dyos MOD Portalview.
Noch eine Weise phpBB zu benutzen. ;)

Re: The Electric Saints .com

Posted: 26. January 2009 21:02
by odklizec
Great work Kevin! I will probably do something similar for a local photoclub so this is a great inspiration! I first thought about usual phpbb+portal+gallery integration. But your example is even better. All parts are seamlessly integrated and the result looks superb! How did you hide the forum? Is it a PortalView feature or you had to do some serious phpbb style editing?

Re: The Electric Saints .com

Posted: 26. January 2009 22:21
by Kevin
Thank you odklizec!
odklizec wrote:I first thought about usual phpbb+portal+gallery integration.
This is it, more or less. ;)
odklizec wrote:How did you hide the forum? Is it a PortalView feature or you had to do some serious phpbb style editing
No, not very serious style editing and no PortalView feature. I basically did it with switches.
As it it used as a CMS, only band members are members of the board and need to see the normal forum functions.
So i can hide all that stuff simply with <!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> switches.
The rest is done with self made switches, integrated in the viewtopic.php and viewforum.php - e.g: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=11&sd=d&custom_limit=3&header=news
custom_limit is a switch to limit the amount of displayed posts per page as needed. I wanted the news section to display just 3 posts instead of the default 10.
header is a switch to get the different headers in the different sections.

As an example: this is the main part of the code for the switches in the viewtopic.php:

Code: Select all

// Electric Saints Anpassung - START
$custom_limit = request_var('custom_limit', 0);
$header = request_var('header', '');

if ($custom_limit  !=0 )
        $page_limit = $custom_limit;
        $page_limit = $config['posts_per_page'];
// Checken welcher Header angezogen werden soll
switch( $header )
    case "gb":
            'S_GB'            => true

    case "news":
            'S_NEWS'        => true

    case "music":
            'S_MUSIC'        => true

    case "links":
            'S_LINKS'        => true

    case "tour":
            'S_TOUR'            => true

    case "lyrics":
            'S_LYRICS'        => true

    case "presse":
            'S_PRESSE'        => true
// Electric Saints Anpassung ENDE         
And a few more things to do... ;)

The Webiste startet 2002 as a static HTML site. 2004 i already realized the idea of phpBB as a simple CMS for that website with phpBB2. But i realized it in a quite difficult way. Many code in many (duplicated) files, just to get different headers and templates. Updating was just horrible. :lol:
Now, with porting it to phpBB3, my approach was to keep the phpBB core system as original as possible. For easier updates in future. And it worked out fine. :)

Re: The Electric Saints .com

Posted: 27. January 2009 12:34
by PeterS
Hallo Kevin,

die Seite ist super schön geworden, aber davon mal ganz abgesehen "endlich mal vernünftige Musik, die auch die Bezeichnung Musik erlaubt" im Gegensatz zu dem was heute so "angesagt" iat.

Gruß Peter

Re: The Electric Saints .com

Posted: 27. January 2009 15:21
by odklizec
Great! Thank you for explanation Kamil! I'm sure this will help me a lot in case I will have to do something similar ;)

BTW, there is probably a tiny bug in gallery section. Shouldn't be the photo uploading (in gallery) allowed only for registered members? Because I'm not registered and I see the "Bild Hochladen" button! ;)

Check this link as guest... ... lbum_id=25

Re: The Electric Saints .com

Posted: 27. January 2009 17:54
by Kevin
PeterS wrote:die Seite ist super schön geworden, aber davon mal ganz abgesehen "endlich mal vernünftige Musik, die auch die Bezeichnung Musik erlaubt" im Gegensatz zu dem was heute so "angesagt" iat.
Hi Peter,
danke für das Lob! :D
Naja, "vernünftige" Musik wird ja auch nach wie vor gemacht und in entsprechenden Kreisen ist die auch angesagt. Aber was "vernünftige" Musik ist, ist ja bekanntlich Geschmackssache. Und die sind ja glücklicherweise verschieden. Sonst könnte ich nicht so viele geile Bands in netten Clubs sehen, sondern müsste mich in irgendwelchen Arenen mit einem bescheidenen Sound begnügen und stehe nicht 5 Meter vor den Künstlern, sondern kann die nur aus 50 Meter auf ner Leinwand betrachten. Hat alles seine 2 Seiten.
Aber die Chartpampe aus dem Radio ist für mich auch kaum zu ertragen (schlimm wenn die Kollegen im Büro darauf bestehen). ;)
odklizec wrote:Great! Thank you for explanation Kamil!
Who is Kamil? :mrgreen:
odklizec wrote:BTW, there is probably a tiny bug in gallery section. Shouldn't be the photo uploading (in gallery) allowed only for registered members? Because I'm not registered and I see the "Bild Hochladen" button! ;)
Thanks for the hint, but the button is supposed to be there. If fans have taken photos during a concert, they can upload them to the website. After proofing we publish them. Nearly 50% of the photos in the gallery were taken by fans. :)