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Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 11:54
by AFF
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing I am trying to uninstall it

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I have contact my host company and they said that they try to uninstall it and nothing work

Description and Message
How can I uninstall the portal I really want it gone of my forum

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 12:25
by Ice
Re-upload the install directory, navigate to the install page and click uninstall from the menu on the left.

May I ask why you want to uninstall the portal?

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 12:48
by AFF
Hey Ice thanks for replying buddy

I want to uninstall it cause I am not sure on how to make it like change the colours of the tables and text to match my forum its all hard to do at the moment cause I am new to all of this and I am not good at coding stuff

And also its running up my disk space for some reason my disk space keeps going up by 100MBS everyday when I installed the forum

Its a great portal but when I get better at coding and stuff i will install it again

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 14:00
by Ice
Strange, the portal on its own shouldn't increase space usage by anything more than a mb or 2. Are you sure it's not your users uploading attachments?

And about the colours - if you ask I'm sure someone can help you. ;)

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 22:12
by AFF
I have attachments disable on my forum so members can't post pictures Its not my forum putting up the space cause it never use to go up that high.

It didn't go up today which is good cause I don't want it to go up that high

And with the colour how can I make it match my theme its paron

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 22:28
by Ice
For a start you need to use the subsilver2 not the prosilver template files.

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 22:36
by thomas.d
AFF wrote:... And also its running up my disk space for some reason my disk space keeps going up by 100MBS everyday when I installed the forum ...
No way, the portal consumes approx. 1,6 MB.
AFF wrote:... for some reason my disk space keeps going up by 100MBS everyday when I installed the forum ...
You mean, you loose 100 MB per day?

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 7. January 2009 22:42
by AFF
No it went yep 190 to 320 when i installed the portal I want it uninstall it

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 8. January 2009 12:16
by AFF
Don't worry I finally got it working and it matches my forum now and I am happy with it board 3 is great :D

I just want to know will it slow my forum down at all or not

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 8. January 2009 21:20
by thomas.d
AFF wrote:Don't worry I finally got it working and it matches my forum now and I am happy with it board 3 is great :D
Fine! Glad that it's working now!
AFF wrote:I just want to know will it slow my forum down at all or not
No, definately not!

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 9. January 2009 00:23
by AFF
Ok thank you for you reply

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 9. January 2009 00:40
by AFF
Hi how can I move the link to us box I want it to be under links here a picture to show you what I mean



Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 9. January 2009 01:28
by thomas.d

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 9. January 2009 19:45
by SeVeN
Can i ask how you managed to get your custom style working?

Ive been trying for ages.

Im using the Arrow theme and ive been trying to make the portal mod fit in with this style.

Any help would be great.

Re: Uninstall portal

Posted: 10. January 2009 11:16
by AFF
I am not sure mate I had someone do it for me sorry