Posted: 26. January 2008 21:27
First of all, thanks for fixing up the errors in phpBB3portal, and making it valid xhtml 1 strict!
I have many suggestions on how to improve the portal, and I hope you take them into consideration:
Good work so far!
I have many suggestions on how to improve the portal, and I hope you take them into consideration:
- News Pagination, making that [1][2][3]... appear at the bottom of the news module, so older news gets cut of into pages.
- Forum inside portal - Option in APC where you can make the forum appear inside center block, so you have the sidebars visible while browsing the forum.
- Block positions - Let us arrange and order the blocks, so we can have them just where we like them. (see for suggestion)
- Pagination on the recent topics block
- News cutoff tag - Set a BBcode/"magic word" that makes the news cut. Everything after the cutoff is shown when you press a "read more..." link. Allows for a more styled news display.
- Customize what kind of searches you want displayed in the search dropdown, and disable search dropdown (so it acts like the search in the header of the normal phpBB3 style).
- Language editing in APC, change names of block titles, allow for custom block language etc.
- option to remove jumpbox.
- board3 Portal - based on phpBB3 Portal - Add this in the overall_footer instead, so it doesnt break any custom designs. If people want it removed, they will remove it no matter where it is. I want it not to break my design, but I will have it to show support.
- show/hide collumns/sidebars, so if you want a 2 collumn site, you can disable one side. Goes together with block positions.
- Blog/media/page etc. modules?
Good work so far!