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Posted: 26. January 2008 15:27
by Ice
Current localisation from the SVN is as follow. If you would like to translate Board3 Portal into another language, please translate these files and make a new thread about the language you have translated to.
Deleted old stuff... - Kevin
Re: Localisation
Posted: 14. March 2008 09:28
by sapooh
i'm really sorry i suck so much into all of this, i have translated the portal into french, but i don't know how to post it. also, i am unable to install the portal on my site. if anyone could help, it would be really appreciated. my site uses acidtechtiger style.
Re: Localisation
Posted: 14. March 2008 18:09
by Kevin
sapooh wrote:i have translated the portal into french, but i don't know how to post it.
Please join the group translators, after you've been added to the group you'll be able to post attachments in the translator forums.
So open a new thread in the
Completed Translations forum and post your translation either as an attachment or, like we did in this thread, in code boxes. Thank you!
sapooh wrote:also, i am unable to install the portal on my site. if anyone could help, it would be really appreciated. my site uses acidtechtiger style.
For that problem, please open a new thread in the English support forum with a precise description what your problem is. Until now you have not offered any information what is happening. Hard to help you without any information.
Re: Localisation
Posted: 12. April 2008 23:30
by liquidspark
Is it ok to modify some root phpBB things? I changed some parts of the Statistics file so that it appears the best way on the portal.
Re: Localisation
Posted: 19. October 2008 18:56
by Jed
Since sapooh didn't post his french traduction. i made it, so i can post it in Complete Translations forum (as soon as i am in Translators group).