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Bug with rights?

Posted: 15. December 2008 11:07
by maico
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message

I have playng around with the rights
I have the settings to display the team block on the portal on.
But there arent any mods or admins on my board, so i become this fatal eror.
Afher i got some suport from the dutch phpforum i solve the problem quikly

I just wanna tel you this so mabey you can fix this or help someone with same error

Code: Select all

FILE: includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 379
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: portal/block/leaders.php
LINE: 87
CALL: dbal->sql_in_set()

FILE: portal.php
LINE: 192
CALL: include('portal/block/leaders.php')

Re: Bug with rights?

Posted: 15. December 2008 12:43
by Kevin
Thanks maico!
maico wrote:Afher i got some suport from the dutch phpforum i solve the problem quikly
Would be great if you can tell us how you've solved the problem.

Although it is a bit strange to have no admin nor moderator aboard!? :?

Re: Bug with rights?

Posted: 15. December 2008 13:17
by maico

I turned back to acp and turned on the group: permissions admins.
I already play a few days to get my rights good.
But till today I do not manage to get it the way it should be.
I now have on my protal Image but still I can log in on the acp.
I am just a beginner, for 5 years I had phpbb 2.xx and now I go to 3.xx but I can not set my rights good the way I want.
I already am trying all morning how to get as admin on my portal.

Greetings Ric

Re: Bug with rights?

Posted: 15. December 2008 19:18
by Kevin
Take a look into your database, into the phpbb_users table.
Search for your user via your user ID and set your user_type to 3. That should set you as global admin.

Re: Bug with rights?

Posted: 15. December 2008 19:37
by maico
Thanks for reply, but ......


whatever i do, nothing changes.
if i set my right to those of a moderator instead of admin, I instantly see my name as moderator at Portal.


I made this change and now i show on the portal as admin :)
Only i got no red color.

I looked to the settings on an other board, there i noticed that there was a diffrence from 2 to 5
Does this action have any other effects besides making me visible as admin?

Re: Bug with rights?

Posted: 5. January 2009 17:11
by Ice
Your default group has to be the admin group, try changing that on the group control panel.