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How do i add an ajax shoutbox on portal?

Posted: 7. December 2008 07:19
by Volcan
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

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Description and Message
hi, i want to add an ajax shoutbox on my portal. can anyone tell me exactly how to do this?

Re: How do i add an ajax shoutbox on portal?

Posted: 7. December 2008 12:50
by Huor
Yeah its pretty simple ;)

At first you need to install the ajax chat on your forum. How this can be done and the ajax chat can be found here.
Finally you should follow the instructions from: ... ntegration

I personally have made an own block for this shout box - but its only fits to my style so i cant post it here, cause its to special for the black pearl style.

Re: How do i add an ajax shoutbox on portal?

Posted: 22. January 2009 15:11
by JohnnyBoy928
Hey I saw that you made your own block for AJAX and I would like to do the same for the center of my page... I am a little confused on how to... I want to use the full system they have avaiable... I used that link you gave and all it does is put it on the bottom left of the menu on the portal site and on the forum index...
I would love to have it on the center of the portal page but I try php includes and whatnot but have no luck... of course this is a beta install for me and I just got it going so it looks just like the template so far till I get to the style part of the site... the links to both sections are below... THANKS IN ADVANCE

Site is:
AJAX shout is: