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what's happened to style site ?

Posted: 27. November 2008 12:01
by rossoe
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
The style website has lost all of the styles I was looking at ? it used to have loads now there are only a few and I can't download the one's that are available ? what's happened ?

Re: what's happened to style site ?

Posted: 27. November 2008 12:42
by Kevin
Do you mean
Why don't you ask them?

Re: what's happened to style site ?

Posted: 27. November 2008 17:05
by Christian_N
There is only the portal for the current version 1.0.2 the meantime everyone should update to 1.0.2 have made.

Can also download only registered users when are logged on. In addition to the necessary traffic when a user is no longer enough traffic for the month, this has until next month (1.12.) wait.

this was google translation ...

Re: what's happened to style site ?

Posted: 28. November 2008 00:23
by wolkenkrieger
Wieveil traffic brauchst du?

Re: what's happened to style site ?

Posted: 28. November 2008 02:08
by Christian_N
Danke, aber am Traffic liegt es nicht, habe genug Traffic zur Verfügung (unlimitiert), die Benutzer erhalte allerdings bei der Anmeldung nur 150MiB Traffic was aber für den Monat vollkommen ausreichen ist, wenn man mal bedenkt das eine Download nur ~150KiB hat.

Also es sollte nicht daran liegen, das mal ein Benutzer die 150MiB verbraucht in einem Monat, da müsste er weit über 1000 Downloads tätigen. :lol:
Es muss sich also nur angemeldet bzw. eingeloggt werden, damit auch jemand downloaden kann. :D