[Solved] Would it be possible to make modules collapsible?

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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[Solved] Would it be possible to make modules collapsible?

Post by Mornagest »


We are currently making some tests with Board3 Portal (fix for 3.3.9) and I'm wondering if it could be possible to add some code to make every module collapsible so each member could customize his own portal appearance?

For example, some of our members would like to have the clock displayed, some others not... but we have to choose. I was thus wondering if a collapsible button such as the one in Collapsible Forum Categories could work.

Thank you in advance for your answers!
Last edited by Mornagest on 14. January 2023 00:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Would it be possible to make modules collapsible?

Post by Kirk »

Gruß Udo

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Re: Would it be possible to make modules collapsible?

Post by Mornagest »

Hello Kirk,

Thank you for your answer!

Yes, that works. I just have to disable Collapsible Forum Categories because it causes a conflict between the two extensions, but since Hide Forum Categories does the trick for both (categories AND Board3 modules), I'll keep that one.

Thank you again!

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