KB Archiv EN: Board3 Portal 2.0.0 - Installation & Setup

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KB Archiv EN: Board3 Portal 2.0.0 - Installation & Setup

Post by Kevin »

Unable to manage the portal

If you are not able to manage the portal in the ACP you either haven't installed it correctly or you don't have the needed permissions.

In order to grant the necessary permissions to a group of users open the ACP and click on the permissions tab:

Now select "Groups' permissions" in the left sidebar:

Select the usergroup whose permissions you want to change and click on submit:

Afterwards select the "Admin permissions" in the drop-down list and click on "Go":

Click on Advanced Permissions and select the "Misc"-Tab. Now you can see the Board3 Portal permissions for the group. Change it to yes if you want the group to be able to manage the portal:

If you can't see the portal you'll have to select the user permissions instead of the admin permissions in the drop-down list.
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