KB Archiv EN: Board3 Portal 1.0.x - Installation & Setup

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KB Archiv EN: Board3 Portal 1.0.x - Installation & Setup

Post by Kevin »

How to ... get rid of blank pages in forum/portal

After the installation of Forum/Mods/Portal you just see a blank page.

This error is usually caused by bad edits of a php-file.

Open the file and go the very beginning (line 1).

The file must start with

Code: Select all

and nothing else, especially no blank space or a blank line.

The very end of the file (last line) must be

Code: Select all

and nothing behind, especially no blank space or a blank line.

If you find blank space(s) and/or a blank line(s) there, just delete them.

Now save the file und upload it.

After that go and clear the phpBB3-cache.

Now the file should be displayed properly.


Code: Select all

[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=3]Knowledge Base: How to ... get rid of blank pages in forum/portal[/url]
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Where can I find installation instructions?

Post by Kevin »

First you will have to unpack the downloaded zip with the Board3-Portal-archive.

Please keep the folder structure of the archive.

In it's root-folder you will find both install.xml and modx.prosilver.en.xsl

Open install.xml in your browser (you don't need to open modx.prosilver.en.xsl as this file only contains style stuff for install.xml).

After opening install.xml your browser may display a warning concerning active content. You should allow the execution of active content to have the file displayed correctly.

In the top right corner of the screen you will find the option "Select Language". The file will be shown in English by default, you may change the language here. To do so you must be connected to the internet.

Now you can read which files are included in the package and where to upload them.

Also you can see which Original-phpBB-files have to be edited.

Please check the DIY-section at the lower end of the file, it contains instructions for manual edits which can not be done by the installer.

An online version of the install instructions can be found here: portal_docs/install.xml


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=22]Knowledge Base: Where can I find installation instructions?[/url]
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Can't find the .htaccess file

Post by Kevin »

In some cases it is neccessary to edit the .htaccess file, especially when you want to direct your users to the portal page (portal.php) as the front page of your forum instead of the forum index (index.php).

How to edit .htaccess for this purposes is described in install.xml which is part of the download package.

The most common problem is then, that some forum admins don't find the .htaccess file in the root folder of their phpBB3 installation.

Since .htaccess is a hidden file, some FTP-programs don't display it by default. In this case you should enable your FTP-program to display hidden files.

In some other FTP-programs you will have to set "show dot-files" to display files, which don't have any character left off the dot, which usually separates the prefix from the suffix (just like ".htaccess").

After enabling your FTP-program like described above, you should be able to see and to transfer the altered file to your web server.


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=8]Knowledge Base: Can't find the .htaccess file[/url]
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Table 'your_db.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist

Post by Kevin »

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]Table 'your_db.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [1146]An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
Please add the changes to the includes/constants.php as described in the install.xml

If you've done it already, please make sure you've uploaded the file to your webspace.


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=27]Knowledge Base: Table 'your_db.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist[/url]
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How to upload the Board 3 Portal files correctly

Post by Kevin »

Then you probably didn't upload the files as instructed.
Open an FTP client like Filezilla and connect to your website. After that browse to the part where your phpBB3 forum is located. In the left window, open the root folder of the board3 Portal package.
That's the way it should look now:

Mark everything in the left window and upload it:

Now, you'll just have to do the edits as instructed in the install.xml. As mentioned in the KB, always make backups before editing your files.


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=43]Knowledge Base: How to upload the Board 3 Portal files correctly[/url]
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Solution: Language file xyz.php couldn't be opened!

Post by Kevin »

If the board language is set to a language other than English, it's not enough to upload just the language files from the root folder:


Other language files are contained in the directory "/languages/your language" which is located ABOVE the root portal directory in the package (zip) file!

This is because the MODX-Packaging-Guidelines dictate that additional language files have to be in the directory "/languages" rather than in the /root/ directory of the package.

Independent from that your language files have to be uploaded in the "/language/your language" directory of your forums!


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=30]Knowledge Base: Solution: Language file xyz.php couldn't be opened![/url]
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Installer error message: need to be founder / admin

Post by Kevin »

If you receive an error while trying to install the portal, that you have to be logged in as founder / Admin, please search in root/install_portal/install.php for:

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	 if( $user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('a_') )

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} else {
 	  	         include($phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal/style/layout_header.'.$phpEx);
 	  	         echo '' . $user->lang['INSTALLER_ERROR'] . '';
 	  	         echo '' . $user->lang['INSTALLER_NEEDS_ADMIN'] . '';
 	  	         include($phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal/style/layout_footer.'.$phpEx);
and delete the code.

Don't forget to upload the modified file to your webspace.

Here is a already modified installer, if you don't want to do the changes yourself: download/file.php?id=130 (Version 1.0.2)


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=14]Knowledge Base: Installer error message: need to be founder / admin[/url]
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phpbb.com Knowledge Base

Post by Kevin »

Many questions regarding the installation and maintenance of phpBB3 are answered in the phpBB.com Knowledge Base.

It's worth a try:

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Portal doesn't show up? Purge Cache!

Post by Kevin »

You have uploaded the portal- and the edited phpBB-files to your server and the portal doesn't appear?

Then go and read Changes to forums styles ...


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[url=http://www.board3.de/knowledge/kb_show.php?id=18]Knowledge Base: Portal doesn't show up? Purge Cache![/url]
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