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Board3 und phpBB Pages Extension

Posted: 7. January 2017 15:13
by Neverlands
Deine Portal Version: 2.1
Typ Deines phpBB Forums: Standard phpBB3
MODs installiert: Ja
Dein Wissensstand: Fortgeschritten

PHP Version: 3.1.10

Was hast Du gemacht, bevor das Problem aufgetreten ist?
Die offizielle Extension phpBB Pages 1.0.4 installiert.

Was hast Du bereits versucht um das Problem zu lösen?

Fehlerbeschreibung und Nachricht
Ist es möglich, die Sidebars auf bestimmten oder allen "Pages" auszublenden?

Das Template einer Standard "Pages"-Seite sieht so aus:

Code: Select all

{# Use the space below to include external CSS and JS files
# Here are some example usages:
# local files relative to this template file (when stored inside phpBB's style directories):
# <!-- INCLUDEJS script.js -->
# <!-- INCLUDECSS ../theme/style.css -->
# hosted on external sites:
# <!-- INCLUDEJS -->
# <!-- INCLUDECSS -->
# local files stored inside the Pages extension:
# <!-- INCLUDEJS @phpbb_pages/script.js -->
# <!-- INCLUDECSS @phpbb_pages/../theme/style.css -->
<!-- INCLUDECSS @phpbb_pages/../theme/pages_controller.css -->
<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

<div class="panel">
	<div class="inner">
		<h2 class="pages-title">{PAGE_TITLE}</h2>
		<div class="content pages-content">
		<!-- EVENT phpbb_pages_after_page_content -->

<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->