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Adding Links To Portal Page In Between Header (Hard Coding)

Posted: 14. February 2016 07:18
by HoodieWeather
Your Portal Version: 2.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

PHP Version: 3.0.13

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hey all.. curious as if I could add some links that would fit inbetween the header, and the middle part of the portal..

I want the links only to show up when someones at the portal, and when users go to the forum itself index.php you won't see the link, that will be written out.

please see picture


Click on view image.. text got cut off cause it's so huge!

Now, I had the link to the forum in the header, but when at the forum itself, the link was on ever header which I don't want.


Re: Adding Links To Portal Page In Between Header (Hard Codi

Posted: 14. February 2016 09:38
by Kirk
Set it so in the overall_header.html:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "portal" -->your links<!-- ENDIF -->

Re: Adding Links To Portal Page In Between Header (Hard Codi

Posted: 14. February 2016 17:03
by HoodieWeather
I was actually there last night.. I added a donate button and such.. I don't want those links to be followed through out the website.

/forum/portal.php if i'm there I'd like to see links in between the header, and middle box.

Now, when I'm not there... and I'm here: forum/index.php I don't want to see those links in the middle of the page the white part.

So, pretty much I might have to just edit portal.php?

Re: Adding Links To Portal Page In Between Header (Hard Codi

Posted: 14. February 2016 17:20
by talonos
if your using board3 2.1 maybe a custom block with html code it in would do. it will only show on portal and can be set as a "top" block so it is above all portal blocks AND below overall header.

Re: Adding Links To Portal Page In Between Header (Hard Codi

Posted: 16. February 2016 02:01
by HoodieWeather
Thanks for the help guys I got help from the phpbb forums here's the coding if you want to add some to your site

using your ftp program, download:

using a good text program, open the file and find:

Code: Select all
<table id="portal-body" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">

right above that on new line, add this:

Code: Select all
<div style="width: 100%;">
<div style="text-align:center; font-size:12px;">
<a href="" >Link 1</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>&#8249;</strong><a href="" >Link 2</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>&#8249;</strong><a href="" >Link 3</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>&#8249;</strong><a href="" >Link 4</a>