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module paypal no work

Posted: 8. November 2015 21:15
by grazia
sorry I can not understand why the portal if you use the paypal module leads to a page that says

Code: Select all

This recipient does not accept payments denominated in {b3. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.

Return to merchant
At this time, we are unable to process your request. Please return to and try another option
Tnk :?:

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 9. November 2015 19:08
by MyLady
if it is on YOUR board: have you entered the right paypal email?

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 9. November 2015 20:40
by grazia
but I put my exact address , now I also did a test and it is correct, I do not understand , but I have also set up some files from FTP

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 10. November 2015 17:03
by Marc
This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next version. Until then, please apply the following changes:

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 10. November 2015 19:37
by grazia
ok thank you so much

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 19. March 2017 16:24
by Contergantreff
Marc wrote: 10. November 2015 17:03 This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next version. Until then, please apply the following changes:
Das war im November 2015, gibt es das Modul in zwischen funktionsfähig?

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 19. March 2017 17:54
by Kirk
Hast du denn diese Änderungen gemacht?

Re: module paypal no work

Posted: 20. March 2017 18:59
by Contergantreff
Kirk wrote: 19. March 2017 17:54 Hast du denn diese Änderungen gemacht?