[Important] Read this first

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Posts: 2504
Joined: 17. July 2008 21:08
phpBB.de User: marc1706
phpBB.com User: Marc
Location: Clausthal-Zellerfeld / München

[Important] Read this first

Post by Marc »

Please read this topic before asking any questions.

What is Board3 Portal 2.1.0?
Board3 Portal 2.1.0 is the next version of Board3 Portal targeted at phpBB 3.1.x.
This means that it is no longer a Modification but rather an Extension.

What has been changed in Board3 Portal 2.1.0?
Large portions of the ACP and front-end have been rewritten in order to support the new extension system. As a side effect of this, we are now starting to have unit and functional testing in order to prevent future bugs in Board3 Portal:

There are also a few changes and new features in Board3 Portal 2.1.0:
  • AJAX features like adding a module in the ACP (more to come soon)
  • Modules use the extension system of phpBB 3.1
  • Respsonsive portal design (still a portal so don't expect any wonders ;) )
  • Flip-style clock utilizing HTML5 instead of the old flash version
  • Table-free portal layout in prosilver - yes, we actually got rid of the <table> tag for the portal layout
  • Portal on all pages avaiable by default
  • ...

What are the requirements for Board3 Portal 2.1.0?
Board3 Portal 2.1.0 has the same requirements as phpBB 3.1.x.
This means you will need PHP 5.3.3+.

Where can I download Board3 Portal 2.1.0?
You can download the current version in our releases forum
Board3 Portal Releases / Download

Can I update Board3 Portal 2.0.x to Board3 Portal 2.1.0?
We will not support updating Board3 Portal 2.0.x to Board3 Portal 2.1.0 for two major reasons:
  1. It's highly suggested to remove any modifications before updating phpBB 3.0.x to phpBB 3.1.x
  2. We don't want to fix all the issues that will arise from the fallout of Point 1
Where should I report bugs in Board3 Portal 2.1.0?
Please check for already existing issues at the github.com issue tracker: https://github.com/board3/Board3-Portal/issues
If you can't find anything related to your issue and it turns out to be an actual bug - a support topic before a bug report might help - you can report it over at the github.com Issue tracker of the portal

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