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font in IE is not nice

Posted: 22. September 2008 11:25
by kevin1979
Your Portal Version: 1.0.1RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge
Boardlink: [url]
What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hello everybody,

I have installed board3 with de style BF_Vista on it, wel now when i look with Firefox de font is nice but in Internet exploder its not nice. It looks like a typewriter :o
I have ta al look to the stylesheet but that seems correct, has anyone an idea where i can change that or change the default font.?

Re: font in IE is not nice

Posted: 23. September 2008 00:37
by Ice
It's not a problem with the portal, the style just uses an odd font for the body text.
Change it by editing one of the CSS files under theme

Re: font in IE is not nice

Posted: 23. September 2008 07:15
by kevin1979
Thanks for your reply, but i can't find any stylesheet that was edit when install the portal in mij style.
In the install file for prosilver i find this line

Code: Select all

@import url("portal.css");

to ad on stylesheet.css but for subsilver2 where the bf-vista style is based on, there is no editing for any stylesheet.

Can you tell me from where the portal gets his front style?

Re: font in IE is not nice

Posted: 7. December 2008 06:27
by cacau_calazans
Hey kevin1979,

Have you already solve the problem? The same is happening with me and I have no idea how to fix it.