Addon Version: 1.0
Addon Author: Talonos
Addon Description:
Block Which will display the current status of the realm selected. it will also display the current status of the two pvp zones aswell (Tol Barad & Wintergrasp) with infomation ranging from owner down to if the queue for battle is available. realm status image is provided from my domain at the moment as that side script is still a work in progress but it works as is currently.
Addon Requirements: Board3 Portal 2.0.0b1 and newer.
Download Link is: ... &t=20&p=43

1. Upload the module package via the ACP (ACP > MODS > Portal > Upload Module) or just upload the content of the ZIP file into the root of your forum.
2. Add new module into left or right column of the portal (ACP > MODS > Portal > Portal Modules).
Demo: Blocks on the Left are the current working Modules. others displayed there currently are not available yet unless stated
Code: Select all
changed the realm display image to use local images on your server instead of remote as the remote system was unstable. redesigned the image aswell and given the option to select either Horde OR Allaince background image for the realm status
Code: Select all
Initial Release