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Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 22. July 2008 11:19
by Sharky
I'm playing around with the .css and trying some fixed widths. My resolution is 1280x1024 and when running at 100% width the portal is fine. But on my other PC @ 1024 x 768, the header is 100% but the portal is wider than the header having to scroll to the right to see all the portal.

This problem is obvious when running the fixed width @ 960px also, the portal is wider than the fixed width.

You can see the problem here.

Is there any reason for this, when looking at with the subsilver2 theme on my 1024x768 computer, this problem does not happen...


Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 22. July 2008 17:08
by Heinrich-XIV

Your fixed Width is to small for the Portal. Wich are you using?



Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 22. July 2008 17:45
by Sharky
So what is the minimum width for the portal?. I would of thought that the left and right blocks could be 190px, and the center block could be dynamic to fit the overall width?.

I have seen this problem on a 1024x768 monitor, it is fine on my 1280x1024. If 1024 is to small for the portal, then that is not good as many people still use 1024x768.

Is there a way to force the center block to a certain width?.

Thanks for your reply. :D

Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 22. July 2008 18:27
by Heinrich-XIV

1024 Width on Fullscreen Display is okay.

I have take a look at your Site, the mayor Problem isn't the width, the Portal is not centered an the center Blocks dosn't fit to the Size. Thats a Question for Christian_N, not for me, to solve this.



Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 22. July 2008 21:30
by Kevin
The calendar is a bit tricky with its width in some constellations. Have you tried deactivating it? What is the result then?

Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 23. July 2008 06:50
by Sharky
Yes, it seems the calendar and smaller width was the problem, I have L+R blocks set to 190px, with fixed width of 1050px, and it is ok now. The problem is that a user with 1024x768 monitor has to scroll to see all of the page.

Is there a value that can be used to force 100% width for users viewing at 1024px?

I thought the "min-width:" value would work, but it doesn't.

Here is my stylesheet.css, can you see something I can change. What I want to do is, have users with large monitors (above 1024px wide) use fixed with (1050px), & users with smaller monitors have 100% width? I know I can do this with 2 themes in UCP, but then guests will only see the default (100%) width.

I hope someone can help,

Thanks again for your support,

Code: Select all

body {
	/* Text-Sizing with ems: */
	font-family: "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
	color: #000000;
      background-color: #DCE1E5;
	font-size: 62%; /* This sets the default font size to be equivalent to 10px */
	margin: 0 auto;
      /*min-width: 1024px;*/
      width: 1050px;
      /*background-attachment: fixed;
      background-image: url('./images/bg.gif');
      border: 4px solid #355772;*/

#wrap {
  /*width: 1050px;
  margin: 0 auto;*/
  border: 4px solid #355772;
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-image: url('./images/bg.gif');
  background-color: #C8C7C7; /*CECECE;*/

#wrapheader {
	min-height: 120px;
	height: auto !important;
	height: 120px;
/*	background-image: url('./images/bg.gif');
	background-repeat: repeat-x;*/
/*	padding: 0 25px 15px 25px;*/
	padding: 0;

#wrapcentre {
	margin: 15px 25px 0 25px;

#wrapfooter {
	text-align: center;
	clear: both;

#wrapnav {
	width: 100%;
	margin: 0;
	background-color: #ECECEC;
	border-width: 1px;
	border-style: solid;
	border-color: #A9B8C2;

#logodesc {
	margin-bottom: 5px;
	padding: 5px 10px;
	background: #355772;
	/*border-bottom: 2px solid #EB6913;*/
The code is a little messy at the moment, as I have been trying different things :roll:

Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 23. July 2008 13:38
by Sharky
OK, so I found out what is giving me problems. It is the news block. When I have the news block in compact mode, everything is fine and all fits evenly with the calendar also (even at fixed width under 1024px). If I switch to full news block then that's when everything becomes out of place. I like to use the full news block though as I can post news topics for users to read.

Is there some way to reduce the overall size of the news block when not in compact mode, like the announcements block, as the announcement block does not cause problems in full view mode?.


Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 24. July 2008 01:46
by Heinrich-XIV

The center boxes coundn't get smaller than this: (seems to be fixed in the width)


You can remove it temporary or make it smaller to test this.



Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 24. July 2008 08:54
by Sharky
Yes! You are correct, removing that from the post fixed the problem with the news block in full mode. I never thought to check that. It is just some custom BBCode in the ACP. I will have a look at it later.

Thanks very much for your help over my topics Heinrich, it's very much appreciated. :mrgreen:

Edit: The BBCode had a fixed width of 600px, I changed it to 500px, this will give enough room to have the portal displaying correctly, with the calendar and full news block and 1024*768 - anyone viewing at less than 1024, can scroll across and buy a new monitor!!! :lol:

Re: Fixed Width Problems

Posted: 24. July 2008 19:21
by Heinrich-XIV
Yes, you do right so to solve the Problem!

Now you can use this as it is. :)

