Another problem :(

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Forgoten Dynasty
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Posts: 9
Joined: 30. June 2008 01:33

Another problem :(

Post by Forgoten Dynasty »

How can i make it so that instead of using the overallheader.html file for the header
it uses this nav bar ... spacer.htm

note that is my site

i tried just using <!-- include spacer.htm --> but that didnt work :(

If any one is wondering where im going all these random questions im aiming for something like this

the blue block on the left is the log in (im swaping with the menu thing)
and every thing else you can kind of put togeather

if anyone is intristed in helping me make this skin:
my aim is ctpaintball4life and my MSN is

Bible Poet
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Posts: 14
Joined: 15. March 2008 05:02

Re: Another problem :(

Post by Bible Poet »

Don't know if this will help but it's worth a try. Rename the spacer.htm to spacer.html save it to the templates folder in your styles folder then <!-- include spacer.html -->
have not tryed it so I don't know if it will work or not.
There is another way but you must backup this file and save it so that if you mess up you can replace it. the file is overall_header.html once you have saved a copy of this file delete it from templates folder and rename spacer.htm to overall_header.html.
if this dose not work just copy overall_header.html that you saved to the templates folder and you are back to where you started. Just maks sure to make a backup before you start. This will change the header in your forum.
Like I alway say try anything but have backup.
hope that this helps.

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