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How do i change the middle width

Posted: 30. June 2008 22:56
by Forgoten Dynasty
i was looking in the ACP and i noticed their was not catagory for the middle


What files do i edit to change the middle colum

Re: How do i change the middle width

Posted: 30. June 2008 23:35
by thomas.d
Hi FD (here we greet each other ... ;) )




Code: Select all

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
Now play with the width="100%"-thing ...


Your left and right column are 180 pixels each.

Add 20 pixels padding between blocks.

So 380 pixels are consumed by left and right blocks plus paddings.

The rest is the width of your center blocks.

For example, if you want it as wide as the left/right blocks then change

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

and so on ...

Re: How do i change the middle width

Posted: 30. June 2008 23:36
by Forgoten Dynasty
hey thanks alot problem solved :)