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Install Errors

Posted: 22. June 2011 19:02
by Kosuki
The board owner of the site I help manage managed to F*** alot up while trying to install the new version of portal. I am now going through and I have followed the install guide to the T and I am still getting these errors at install process.
Any help would be great.

Code: Select all

Board3 Portal
PHP Version: 5.2.17
DBMS: MySQL(i) 5.1.47-community-log
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.8

Removing permission option: a_portal_manage
ERROR: Permission option a_portal_manage does not exist.

Adding new permission option: u_view_portal
ERROR: Permission option u_view_portal already exists.

Adding new permission option: a_manage_portal
ERROR: Permission option a_manage_portal already exists.

Adding a new database table: PORTAL_MODULES_TABLE
ERROR: Database table PORTAL_MODULES_TABLE already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_enable
ERROR: Config variable board3_enable already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_left_column
ERROR: Config variable board3_left_column already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_right_column
ERROR: Config variable board3_right_column already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_version_check
ERROR: Config variable board3_version_check already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_forum_index
ERROR: Config variable board3_forum_index already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_left_column_width
ERROR: Config variable board3_left_column_width already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_right_column_width
ERROR: Config variable board3_right_column_width already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_phpbb_menu
ERROR: Config variable board3_phpbb_menu already exists.

Adding new config variable: board3_display_jumpbox
ERROR: Config variable board3_display_jumpbox already exists.

Removing acp module: General settings
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_POSTER_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

ERROR: Module does not exist.

ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.

Adding acp module: Portal
ERROR: Module already exists.

Adding acp module: Portal Modules
ERROR: Module already exists.

Adding acp module: Upload module
ERROR: Module already exists.

Converting from Board3 Portal 1.0.6 & adding basic set of modules
SQL ERROR Table 'dropdea2_solobb.solo_portal_modules' doesn't exist

Adding a new column named module_status to table PORTAL_MODULES_TABLE
ERROR: The column module_status already exists on table PORTAL_MODULES_TABLE.

Re: Install Errors

Posted: 22. June 2011 19:12
by Marc
As far as I can see, the portal is alread up to date. Just to make sure, I'd recommend you browse to the installer, uninstall Board3 Portal and then install Board3 Portal again afterwards using the installer (Do not change anything in your files).
Make sure to save your settings if you have any custom settings, as re-installing Board3 Portal will delete your settings.

Re: Install Errors

Posted: 22. June 2011 19:16
by Kosuki
I have already done that now I get this error when I try to go to the site.

Code: Select all

Return to the index page
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'dropdea2_solobb.solo_portal_modules' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT * FROM solo_portal_modules ORDER BY module_order ASC


FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 163
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: portal/includes/functions.php
LINE: 82
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: portal.php
LINE: 44
CALL: obtain_portal_modules()

Please notify the board administrator or webmaster:
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Re: Install Errors

Posted: 14. August 2011 20:07
by Andrey
I apologize for my English.

a lot of time trying to install portal.
changes to the code checked many times, as a result of the same error.
1.0.6 worked perfectly. 2.0.0 - refuses to work.

first tried to update the version 1.0.6
error on the portal page:
utf8_strpos: Offset must be an integer
module in the Admin portal is working and configured

tried this: completely removed version 1.0.6 and performed a new installation of version 2.0.0

In all cases the installation ended with confirmation that all of O.K.
result and error - the same.

what else can I do to install and try out a new version of the portal?

Re: Install Errors

Posted: 14. August 2011 20:56
by stesmi
Just look below for the topic called exactly like your error. utf8_strpos .. for a fix.

// Stefan